*109. Ibn Khallikán's Wafayátu'l-A'yán, Biographical Dictionary of eminent and famous Muslims: Arabic text, edited by Wüstenfeld (Göttingen, 1837; 2 vols.); English translation, with Notes, by the Baron MacGuckin de Slane (4 vols., Paris and London, 1842-71).

*110. Hajji Khalfa (Khalífa)'s Bibliographical Dictionary, the Kashfu'dh-Dhunún 'an Asami'l-Kutub wa'l-Funún, Arabic text with Latin translation, by Gustav Flügel (7 vols., Leipzig, 1835-58). This work is indispensable for the identification of Muhammadan books, and as the author died as late as A.D. 1658, it includes all but the most modern Arabic, Persian, and Turkish literature. Flügel's edition contains full and excellent Indices.

*111. Carl Brockelmann's Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur (vol. i, 1897-98; vol. ii, part 1, 1899: Weimar). Not to be con­founded with this is a more popular work by the same author and bearing the same title, which forms half of vol. vi of a series now in process of publication at Leipzig (C. F. Amelangs Verlag) entitled Die Literaturen des Ostens in Einzeldarstellungen. The other half of this volume (published in 1901) is formed by—

*112. Dr. Paul Horn's Geschichte der Persischen Literatur.

113. Pizzi, besides his Manuale della lingua persiana (1883), has published (in Italian) an excellent little sketch of Persian Literature from the earliest times.

114. Professor Th. Nöldeke: Beiträge zur Kentniss der Poesie der alten Araber (Hannover, 1864).

*115. F. Wüstenfeld: Die Geschichtschreiber der Araber und ihre Werke (Göttingen, 1882).

116. I. Guidi: Tables alphabétiques du Kitábu'l-Aghání, comprenant (i) Index des poètes dont le “Kitáb” cite des vers; (ii) Index des rimes; (iii) Index historique; (iv) Index géographique; rédigées avec la collaboration de MM. R. E. Brünnow, S. Fraenkel, H. D. Van Gelder, W. Guirgass, E. Hélouis, H. G. Kleyn, Fr. Seybold et G. Van Vloten. (Leyden, 1895-1900). One large, stout volume of 769 + xi pp., invaluable for such as can use the vast stores of verse and anecdote contained in the 20 volumes of the great Arabic anthology to which it forms the guide and key.

117. Darmesteter: Les origines de la Poesie persane (Paris, 1887).

*118. Ethé: numerous monographs on the early Persian poets (see n. 2 on p. 452 supra, but this list is by no means complete); article on Persian Literature in the ninth edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica; and *article in vol. ii (pp 212-368) of Geiger and Kuhn's Grundriss (No. 1 supra).

119. Sir Gore Ouseley's Biographical Notices of Persian Poets (London, 1846). An entertaining and instructive, though in some respects obsolete, book.

120. A. de Biberstein Kazimirski's Introduction to his Díwán of Minúchihrí (“Menoutchehri”), Paris, 1886.

*121. F. Wüstenfeld: Die Academien der Araber und ihre Lehrer (Göttingen, 1837); Geschichte der Arabischen Aerzte und Naturforscher (1840).

*122. Francis Gladwin: Dissertations on the Rhetoric, Prosody, and Rhyme of the Persians (Calcutta: reprinted in London, 1801).

*123. H. Blochmann: The Prosody of the Persians (Calcutta, 1872).

*124. Friedrich Rückert: Grammatik, Poetik, und Rhetorik der Perser … neu herausgegeben von W. Pertsch (Gotha, 1874).

125. Cl. Huart's French translation (Paris, 1875) of the Anísu'l-'Ushsháq (“Lover's Companion”) of Sharafu'd-Dín Rámí is a valu­able guide to Persian lyric verse.

126. Th. Nöldeke: Sketches from Eastern History, translated by John Sutherland Black (London and Edinburgh, 1892).

*127. Wüstenfeld's Vergleichungs-Tabellen der Muhammedanischen und Christlichen Zeitrechnung (Leipzig, 1854), with Supplement (Fortsetzung) by Dr. Ed. Mahler (Leipzig, 1887) continuing the reckoning from A.H. 1300 (A.D. 1883), where Wüstenfeld concluded his tables, to A.H. 1500 (A.D. 2077). This book is indispensable for all who have occasion to convert Muhammadan into Christian dates, or vice versâ.