(5) Sháh Abdullatíf Bhitáí.*

Sháh Abdullatíf was born at Bhaipur in the talukah of Háláh in 1102 A.H. (1689 A.D.). His ancestors Sayyed Mir Alí had come from Hirát to Hindustán in 1398 A.D., when Amír Taimúr had invaded that country. His son Haidarshah came to Sind in order to visit his brothers, who had been appointed as Governors of different provinces of Hindustán. Coming to Háláh he married a daughter of Sháh Muhammad son of Daryá Khan Háláh. After about a year and a half, Sayyed Haidar got the sad news of his father’s death and went to Hirát, leaving his wife at Háláh, where she gave birth to a son who was called Mír Alí. After about 3 years Sayyed Haidarsháh died at Hirát. Sayyed Mír Alí married and got two sons Sayyed Sharfuddín, whose descendants are called Sharafpótahs and Sayyed Ahmad, whose descendants are called Míranpótahs. They lived at Muta-allawí (Matiárí). One of the celebrated descendants of these Sayyeds was Sayyed Abdul Karím of Bulri. Sháh Abdullatíf was the son of Habíb Shah, who was the son of Abdul Kuddús Sháh, who was the son of Jamál Sháh, who was the son of Sháh Abdul Karím. Sháh Abdullatíf’s mother was a descendant of Makhdúm Arabí Dayánah, who was a celebrated saint. Sháh Abdullatíf got very little education in childhood, but being of retired habits and fond of travelling he acquired a vast amount of spiritual knowledge.

Shah Abdullatíf married a daughter of Mughul Beg Mirzá and had a son, who died in infancy. The austere life which Shah Bhitáí led brought him a large number of muríds. This made the Makhdúm of Háláh, a descendant of Makhdúm Núh and the Sayyeds of Muta-allawí, jealous of him. He was therefore obliged to remove from Muta-allawí to Bhaipur, and thence to Kotrí near Háláh. Mian Núr Múhammad Kalhórah, the ruler of Sind, whose capital city was then at Khudá-ábad was not on good terms with him, but afterwards he became his muríd.

In 1144 A.H. (1731 A.D.) Sháh Abdullatíf’s father died. Soon after, he removed to a sand-hill, where he settled himself with his muríds. This was called Bhit, where he died in 1165 A.H. (1752 A.D.) on the 14th of Saffar. His shrine is visited by people from all the parts of Sind. Sháh Abdullatíf is the author of Sháh-jo-Risáló, which work shows clearly that he was a great poet as well as a great saint.

Sháh Bhitáí was succeeded on his gádi by his nephew Jamál Sháh, who then lived at Wangah Walásah. He died in 1204 A.D. (1789 A.D.).