(1) Shekh Baháuddín Zakariyyá.*

He was the son of Shekh Abú Muhammad bin Shekh Ibráhím bin Shekh Abdulláh bin Shekh Shahábuddín bin Shekh Zakariyyá bin Shekh Núruddín bin Shekh Sirájud­dín bin Shekh Wajduddín bin Shekh Masúd bin Shekh Raziuddín bin Kásim bin Jaafar bin Abí Bakr. Thus he is descended from Abú Bakr, the first khalíf or successor of the Prophet Muhammad. He was one of the most learned and pious men of his time and was a disciple of Shekh Shahábuddín Suhrwardí. With the permission of his spiritual guide he came to Multan and became a permanent resident of the place. He was considered to be a Shekh-ul-Islám and a large number of people flocked to him and became his disciples. He is well-known for several pious and religious deeds and superhuman habits. He died in 360 A.H. (970 A.D.) and was buried in the fort of Multan and his tomb is still visited annually by people from Sind and the Punjab.

Shekh Baháuddín Zakaryyá was succeeded by his son Shekh Sadruddín, who continued as a spiritual guide in his father’s place for 18 years. He was succeeded by his son Shekh Ruknuddín, who occupied his father’s place for 52 years and then on his death was succeeded by his son Shekh Ismáíl, who was killed and was succeeded by his son Sadruddín II. The latter, too, was murdered after acting as Shekh-ul-Islám of Multan, and was succeeded by his son Ruknuddín II, who again was succeeded by his son Shekh Yúsuf. In 847 A.H. (1443 A.D.) Shekh Yúsuf was elected as a ruler of Multan, but after 2 years he was killed, being succeeded by Shekh Shahrulláh, who again was succeeded by his son Shekh Baháuddín. Several descendants of this family migrated to different parts of Sind and became permanent residents of those places.