Mír Murád Alí Khán occupied the seat of rulership

Friendship with other States.

vacated by his brother, on the 16th of Jamádíssání 1244 A.H. (1828 A.D.) As Mír Karam Alí Khán had died without any issue, his treasure and armoury and other valuables came into the possession of Mír Murád Alí Khán. This Mír behaved so wisely and justly that all the Mírs of Khairpur and Mírpur and other Balóch chiefs remained attached to him by ties of affection. His reign was a peaceful reign, in which cultivators and traders lived very happily. At Kábul there was anarchy about this time and so, in fact, the Mír had become an independent ruler. His friendship with Fateh Alí Sháh, the king of Persia, grew to intimacy, so much so that the king was inclined to give a daughter of his to the Mír in marriage, but the latter declined the honour gracefully owing to the long distance and his old age. The friendship with the Governor of Bombay continued as before and the envoys used to come and go regularly. Major Pottinger, the Political Resident of Kachh, paid him a visit and was very much pleased with the reception given to him.* Similarly, envoys from the courts of Rájah Ranjít Sing, the Rájah of Jesalmer and the Ráo of Kachh and from the Imám of Mascat and the Sharíf of Meccá commenced visiting Haidarábád. In his time, Shujául Mulk once more came to Sind as a refugee and the Mír allotted the town of Shikárpur with its revenue to him for his temporary main­tenance.

Being now independent, the Mír for the first time

A mint established at Haidarábád.

struck coin in his own name. A mint was established under the superintendence of a skilful iron-smith by name Fateh Muhammad. The work commenced experimentally and 40 or 50 ashrafis (gold coins) were also struck. The Mír then ordered that all the gold in the treasury be given into the mint to be made into mohars. But before that work was finished, the Mír expired.

The death of Mír Murád Alí Khán occurred on Sunday,

Death of Mír Murád Alí Khán.

the 6th of Jamádissání 1249 A.H. (1833 A.D.) He died of pain in the chest and knees, which kept him confined to bed for about a fortnight.

Mír Murád Alí Khán died leaving four sons, viz., Mírs Núr Muhammad Khán, Nasír Khán, Muhammad Khán and Yár Muhammad Khán * and two daughters. He was fortunate enough to see his grand-children also, for Mír Núr Muhammad Khán had got two sons Mír Shahdád Khán and Mír Husain Alí Khán, and Mír Nasír Khán had got two sons Mír Hasan Alí Khán and Mír Abbás Alí Khán.*

It was in the previous year that the Mír’s Wazír Nawáb Walí Muhammad Khán Lighárí died “full of years and honour, having retained the confidence of his masters and love of people to the last.”*