The Kalhórahs are said to have been descended from

The origin of the Kalhó­rahs.

Abbás, paternal uncle to the Prophet Muhammad.* One of their ancestors, by name Mián Ódhánah, who lived in the country of Kech Makrán was celebrated for his piety and virtue, and was honoured as a spiritual guide by a large number of people. His immediate descendants were known by the titular name of Ódhánah. One of these, Thal by name, twenty-fifth in descent from Mián Ódhánah, invaded Káhrah Belah, which was then in the hands of the Gujar tribe, and took possession of it. On his death Thal was succeeded by his son Bhíl. The fort of Barlás, and the cemetery known as “Mótí” still remain, and remind us of his time. Bhíl’s son Chínah, having quarrelled with his brothers about something, left his native place and in company with a large number of his dependents went to Khambháth to live among the tribe of Udhejah. Here he married a daughter of Dharablál Sam­mah, a big landholder of the tálukah of Dípál Kángrah. A son was born to this couple, who was called Muhammad, and who is considered to be the latest ancestor of the Kalhórahs.

At the time of the agents of the Ghazní and Ghórí

Jám Chínah and his sons, Dáúd and Láshár.

kings, this Chínah came to Multán with the assistance of some Ránás, and attached himself to the rulers of the place. He soon rose to be the leader of a number of tribes, and securing the hand of a girl from each tribe, by way of pledge, he established himself as a chief with the title of Jám. By his twelve wives he had eighteen sons, who became the fathers of large families. One of them, Chóliah, a grandson of Ráná Chanah son of Dethah had a son whom he called Dáúd, from whom are descended the Dáúdpótáhs. Another, by name Láshár, became the ancestor of the tribe of Láshárís, who resided at Bháj near the hilly district of Róh Káchhah.

In short Jám Chínah fixed his residence for some time at Chínah Belí, in the tálukah of Bhiráló of the parganah of Lóhrí.* Subsequently going over to Khambháth, he passed away on the bank of the Sángrah, where he was buried. Mir Chákar Balóch, and Árí Dádní of the tribe of Chanah were his cousins.

After Chínah’s death, none of his descendants rose to be

Mián Ádam Sháh.

of importance, except Ádam Sháh, who was ninth in descent from him, being the son of Kajan, son of Sahab son of Khán, son of Táhar son of Ránah son of Sháh Muhammad (alias Sháham) son of Ibráhím son of Muhammad son of Jám Chínah,* and who rose to occupy the holy seat vacated by the celebrated saint of the time, Mírán Muhammad of Júnpur. After travelling over a great part of the country he settled at the village of Hatrí in the tálukah of Chándúkah.* Here he was joined by Kabrá Barhah with his dependents, who came from the village of Dabah and became his disciples.

At that time Nawáb Khán Khánán * having come to pay respects to Mián Ádam Sháh and to ask his blessings, at the request of Kabrá Barhah, granted to him the zamindarí of Chándúkah, which at first belonged to the *tribe of Chándiah.|| After some time Ádam Sháh went over to Multán, to pay a visit to Lál l’san the celebrated living saint of the time, and a descendent of Shekh Baháuddín Multání.* A large number of disciples joined him here and he was obliged to occupy a spacious tract of country. This excited the jealousy of the landowners of the place, at whose instigation the ruler of Multán had him killed and thus he became a martyr.

In accordance with his dying request Ághá Sháh

Ághá Sháh Muhammad.

Muhammad, the Kótwál of the town of Multán, who during the late pious man’s imprisonment had received spiritual guidance from him, brought his dead body to Sakhar and buried it there on the top of a hill.* Then returning to Multán he made his late master’s two minor sons Ibráhím and Dáúd and his dependents, who had dispersed after the tragedy, settle in one place and himself took up the seat of his late spiritual guide. This Sháh Muhammad, the Kótwál, originally belonged to the Balóch tribe of Kherí who resided in Chatrbár, near the mountainous pass of Siwí.

When he died, he was succeeded by Mián Iliás son of

Mián Iliás son of Dáúd son of Ádam Sháh.

Dáúd son of Ádam Sháh, who tried his best to collect disciples and followers. When he passed away, he was buried at the village of Dherí which is situated between the village of Hatrí and Ládkánah.*