Page 465. For “Kanzu-l Mahpúr,” read “Kanzu-l Mahfúz.”

Page 509, in Note 1. For “Zanzan” read “Zauzan.”

Page 530. Strike out the note. Ajúdhan in the Panjáb must be intended.


Page 104, last line, read, “In this campaign Yak-lakhí, the private servant of the Sultán, was slain by the Míwáttís.” Yak-lakhí was a name like Hazár­dínárí. See J.A.S.B. 1874, vol. i. p. 287. The passage of Firishta referred to in the note is in Vol. I. p. 256.

Page 258, 261. “Hasan Kángu.” The name is so written here and in other places, but the better known form is “Gángu.”

Page 260, 8 lines from bottom. To the name “Karra,” add note: “Karí or Kaira.”

Page 265. For “1350 A.D.” read “1351.”

Page 287. To Twelfth Mukaddama add note: “Ascended the throne Safar, 745 A.H. (June, 1344 A.D.).”—Táríkh-i Mubárak-Sháhí.

Page 369. “Ashráfu-l Mamalik,” read “Ishráfu-l Mamálik.”

Page 400. For “1408” read “1398 A.D.”

Page 401. To the note add: “See p. 481 infrà.”

Page 414. To the word “Siyáwals,” add as a note “Yasáwals.”

Page 421, 8 lines from bottom. For “Passing by Rudanah,” read “not passing over the river,” and add note: See infrà, page 488.

Page 477. For “Salandoz,” read “Síldoz.”

Page 481. To the note add reference: “See p. 401.”

Page 545, line 8. To the word “silent,” add note: See p. 224, suprà.

Page 624, note. “Shutur-garbah.”—Some light may perhaps be thrown on this passage by referring to the story in which, in consequence of a vow, a camel was offered for sale at two rupees, but not without the cat on its neck at the price of 250. This is referred to in the Bágh o Bahár, in the Story of the First Darwesh, “The two are to be sold together, not the garden alone, like the cat on the camel's neck.” As in corrupt boroughs in England a worthless article often brought a high price when a vote went with it, or as, in the high political excitement of former days, straws were offered for sale in the streets and seditious broadsides were given away with them.


Page 9. “Sar-burdah-dár,” read “Sar-pardah dár.”

Page 22, line 2. “Main,” read “Maín,” and for the note “Mína?” substitute “Maín or Munj is a name of a subdivision of Ranghar Rájpúts inhabiting Sirhind and the Bahat Doáb.”—Blochmann's Áín-i Akbarí, p. 526.

Page 54, 11 lines from bottom. For “Main,” read “Maín.”

Page 63, end of paragraph 2. Insert “the” before “Mawás.”

Page 144. Add to Note 1: “Briggs' Ferishta, vol. ii. p. 81.”

Page 233. Add to Note 1: “The correct name is Siyurghtamish.”—Blochmann.

Page 261. To “Maidání Ráo” add a note: Properly “Medini Ráo.”

Page 289. Add to the Memoir of Shaikh Zain the note given as an Addendum in Vol. V.; also the reference: See Proceedings of As. Soc. of Bengal, 1873, p. 156.

Page 307. To Fath Khán Hirawí, add a note: “See Proceedings of As. Soc. Bengal for December, 1873.”

Page 321, middle. For “Kutb Sháh, King of Bengal,” read “Kutb Sháh (or Khán), officer of the King of Bengal,” and add note: See infrà, p. 333.

Page 365, line 3. For “Muyid Beg,” read “Muayyad Beg.”

Page 385, last line, “Mauláná Muhammad Binor.” Add note: “Probably Banúrí, from the town of Banúr (vide suprà, p. 249), north of Ambála, a place famous for its saints and learned men.”

Page 507, paragraph 2. “Patna,” add note: More probably Panna.

Page 540, paragraph 2. For “Saklain,” read “Siklain,” and for “Husn,” read “Hisn.”

Page 551. “Lafgandárs,” add note: This probably means tufangdárs, even if it is not a mistranscription of that word.


Page 41, paragraph 2. For “Kanwárs,” read “Gawárs” or “Gowars,” and add note: See infrà, p. 193, and Journ. As. Soc. Beng. for 1874, Index.

Page 35, in note 5. For “audhalí,” read andhalí.

Page 45, four lines from end. “Kanjúrs.” This should no doubt be read “Gan-júrs,” i.e. treasurers.

Page 152, middle. “Ammi Kulsúm,” read “Umm Kulsúm.”

Page 167, last line. For “Sháh” read “Sáh.”

Page 173, line 7 from bottom. For “the mine,” read “the other mine.”

Page 189, line 2, paragraph 3. For “Bahakrá,” read “Báikrá.”

Page 199, line 6. “Chinese house.” Add note: “One built of enamelled tiles.”

Page 246. To note at foot of table add: “The 14th year began on the 24th Ramazán. The 15th on the 3rd Shawwál. For date of Akbar's death, see Bloch-mann's Áín-i Akbarí, vol. i. p. 212.”

Page 246. Note 1. For Khalífa Iláhí, read “Khalífatu-llah.”

Page 259, end of paragraph 2. “Ghazals in mystic language,” read “Ghazals of Háfiz, who is called Lisánu-l ghaib. See Vol. IV. p. 510.”

Page 265, note 2. For “reputed,” read “adopted.”

Page 273, note 3. For “Sanjarí,” read “Sijizí.” Sístán, or Sijistán, makes its adjective Sijizí, and although the text has Sanjari, there is no doubt Sijizí is the right word.

Page 278, paragraph 2. For “Khari, Janúba, Bhukiyál, and Ját,” read “Khattri (or Khattar), Janúha, Bhúgiyál, and Chibh.” See Blochmann's Áín, pp. 456, 487.

Page 280, line 2 from end. For “Kulchín,” read “Kúchín.”

Page 300, paragraph 2. For “Fath Khán Tibati,” read “Fath Khán Battani.”

Page 323, paragraph 3, line 8. For “'Alí Kulí,” read “Muhammad Kulí.”

Page 330, paragraph 1. “Kháng-sawár,” properly “Khing-suwár.”

Page 384, paragraph 1. For “Kísú,” read “Gesú.”

Page 395, middle. To “Safar” make a note: “The Akbar-náma says Rajab, which must be right.”

Page 407. For “Tánsaní,” read “Tausaní,” and erase the note.

Page 427, paragraph 3, line 1. “Jalesar,” read “Jalair.”

Page 430. In note. “Tannú.” According to Mr. Blochmann he was called “Nathu,” which means “dwarf.”—Áín-i Akbarí, vol. i. p. 38.

Page 463, line 1. “Husain,” read “Hasan.”

Page 478. Add note: “For date of Badáúní's death (1004), see Journ. As. Soc. Beng. for 1869, p. 143.”

Page 571, line 4. For “Shabrí,” read “Sherí.”


Page 150. Add note: “Asad Beg died in the third year of the reign of Jahángír and left 15 lacs of rupees behind him.”—Kámgár Khán.

Page 368, line 2 of note. “Srihote,” read “Srikote.”

Page 423, lines 5 and 7. “Mubárak Khán,” read “Mukarrab Khán.”

Page 433, end of second paragraph. “Tirbang,” read “Trimbak.”

Page 509, paragraph 3, line 1: “deserted,” read “defeated.”


Page 71. In note. For “478,” read “578.”

Page 263, paragraph 2. For “Kunwar Ráí,” read “Kunwar Rám.”

Page 305, 306. For “Khán Zamán,” read “Khán Zamán Khán.”

Page 392, line 6. After “Mu'izzu-d din,” insert “(Jahándár Sháh).”

Page 463-4. “Muhakkim Singh,” read “Muhkam Singh.”


Page 170, line 4 from bottom. For “Bháo Wiswás Ráí, with,” read “Bháo with Wiswás Ráí.”

Page 115, last paragraph. To the word Nawáb add note, “The eunuch Jáwed Khán, see post, pp. 120, 133.”