Book I. Account of the wise and religious persons, from the Creation to the time of Muhammad Sháh. Ancestors of Mu­hammad Sháh up to 'Umar Shaikh Mirzá, father of the Emperor Bábar. A brief account of the governments of Arabia, Persia, Turkistán, Túrán, Rúm, Shám, and Írán, from the era of Kaiumárs to the time of Naushírwán. A brief account of the Ghaznivides, Ghorians, Saljúkians, and other dynasties.

Book II. History of India from Rája Judishtar's reign to the time of Ibráhím Lodí. Account of some of the most celebrated saints of India, such as Mu'ínu-d dín Chishtí, Kutbu-l Aktáb, and others, and of the reformers of the Hindú religion, such as Rámánand, Kabír, Raidás, and Nának, with a notice of the Shástras and Vedántism.

SIZE.—The first Book contains 331 large 8VO. pages of 19 lines each.

The first volume contains nothing of interest. The only useful part of the work is the history of Muhammad Sháh.

The Nádiru-z Zamání is very rare. The late Sadru-s Sudúr of Mainpúrí had a perfect copy, which his heirs have lost; and Nawáb 'Alí Muhammad Khán of Jhajjar has a very imperfect copy, deficient in the second books of both volumes. The Nawáb of Tonk has the first book. Wilken* quotes an Indian History of this name in the Berlin Library, but I cannot trace the quoted passage in the portions of the work available to me.