Bábá Khán Kákshál, v. 320, 345, 414,
416; death, 418, vi. 38, 66
Bábar, Bádsháh, at Kábul, i. 306; at-
tacks Kandahár, 307; his memoirs,
iv. 218; character, 219, 226; con-
vivial habits, 225; invited to India,
324, v. 23, 106; first invasion of
India, iv. 230; last invasion, i. 312,
iv. 239; his advance force defeated,
241; defeats Ibráhím, 254, 290, v 26;
at Dehlí, iv. 256; resistance to, 263;
army desires to return, 264; obtains
Gwálior, 266; forswears wine, 269,
226; cheers his men, 269; defeats
Ráná Sanka, 268; takes Chanderí,
274; fights with Bengal, 283, v. 34;
destroys the Mundáhirs, 41; his last
injunctions to Humáyún, 42; death, 43
Bábiniya, Jám of Sindh, i. 226; attacked
and defeated by Fíroz Sháh, 227,
iii. 322, iv. 12; submits, iii. 334; taken
to Dehlí, 336, 338
Bachgotí Rájpúts, iv. 457, v. 93
Badakhshán, v. 227, 249; vii. 70, 71,
Badan Singh Ját, viii. 360-1
Badíu-z Zamán, Mirza, i. 305
Baghrá Khán. See Bughrá Khán
Baglána, conquest of, vii. 65
Bahádur Gauriya, v. 429
Bahádur Khán, minister of Akbar, v. 260,
263, 273; rebels, 297, 301-5, 307, 309,
318, 319, vi. 24; taken and killed, v.
Bahádur Khán, officer of Aurangzeb, vii.
Bahádur Khán of Khándesh, vi. 133-146
Bahádur Náhir, iii. 449, 505, iv. 25,
27, 31, 33
Bahádur Nizámu-l Mulk, vi. 94, 100
Bahádur Sháh (Sháh Álam), accession,
vii. 387; march to Láhore and Dehlí,
393, 547; defeats his brother A'zam
Sháh, 396, 537; rewards his suppor-
ters, 401; his coins, 404; receives
submission of Jodhpúr and Údípúr,
404; proposals to Kám Bakhsh, 405;
defeats Kám Bakhsh, 407; character,
410, 550; his innovation in the khutba,
disturbances, 420, 427; war against
the Sikhs, 423, 456, 555; death, 428,
556, viii. 19; intrigues and quarrels
among his sons, vii. 429, 554; pro-
posed division of the Empire, 429
Bahádur, Sultán of Guzerat, takes Mándú,
iv 351; threatens Dehlí, 351; shelters
Mirza Muhammad Zámán, 351, v.
191; takes Chítor, 189, vi. 11, 13;
defeated and pursued by Humáyún, iv.
352, v. 191, vi. 13; recovers Champá-
nír and Guzerat, v. 197, vi. 15; death,
Báhar Deo, ii. 367, 370
Baháu-d daula, iv. 202
Baháu-d dín, his revolt, iii. 614
Baháu-d dín Tughril. See Tughril
Bahlol Lodí, Sultán, his extraction, v.
71; rise, 71; defeats King of Málwá,
iv. 85; aspires to the throne, 86; be-
comes king, 88, 335, v. 77; campaign
against the Ráná, 4; fails to take
Dehlí, 74; obtains Dehlí, 75, 77;
attacked by Jaunpúr, iv. 306, v. 2;
makes peace with Jaunpúr, 80; de-
feats Husain of Jaunpúr, 86, 87, 88;
takes Jaunpúr, 89; makes his son
Barbak king of Jaunpúr, 90; divides
his dominions, 90; death, iv. 444;
character, 436.
Bahlolís (coins), v. 115
Bahmaní kings, iv. 259, vii. 336, viii. 15;
recommended to Fíroz by Egyptian
Khalíf, vi. 226; succession of, 229;
their wars and slaughter of infidels,
230, 232. See Hasan Gángú
Bahrám Gúr, ii. 159, 161, 184; vi. 560
Bahrám Khán of Kashmír, vi. 307
Bahrám Mírza of Persia, v. 218
Bahrám Sháh Sultán, ii. 258, 279, 291;
iii. 36; iv. 207, 208
Báí, sister of Dáhir, i. 154, 172
Bairám Khán, Khán-khánán, memoir
of, v. 215; services to Húmayún, i.
319, iv. 384, 385, v. 218, 219, 233,
236, 237; at siege of Chámpanír,
194; at battle of Sirhind, iv. 62, v.
238; sent against Sikandar, 239; de-
feats Sikandar, 248; kills Tardi Beg
Khán, 61, 251; defeats Hímú, 65,
251; kills him, 253; suspicious of
Akbar, 256; conspires, vi. 23; marriage
to a relative of the Emperor, 256; in-
trigues against him, 261; fall, vi. 23;
leaves the Emperor, v. 263; and re-
signs, 264; pursued, 265; defeated,
266; submits, 267; forgiven, 268;
departs for Mecca, 268; murdered,
269; character, vi. 24
Baisinghar, Prince, vi. 436
Baisura caste, i. 16
Baitúz, iv. 160
Bajaur, Akbar's attack on, v. 450, vi. 80
Bajhrá, son of Chandar, i. 158, 160
Bájí Ráo besieges Jítgarh, viii. 48; his
inroad into Hindústán, 53, 261; re-
treats from Dehlí, 55; made governor
of Málwá, 57, 262; defeated, 66, 262;
death, 66, 263
Bájí Ráo, son of Raghunáth, succeeds as
Peshwa, viii. 369
Baksar, battle of, viii. 182
Bálághát, sold by Khán Jahán Lodí, vii. 7
Bálájí Bishwanáth, vii. 466, 468, 477;
viii. 260
Bálájí Ráo succeeds Bájí Ráo, viii. 263;
sends Bháo to Hindústán, 273; death
of, 283
Bálárukh, ii. 538, 543
Balban. See Ghiyásu-d dín
Balhará, the, i. 3, 13, 21, 22, 24, 76, 86,
87, 201, 354
Balkh, attacked by Humáyún, v. 230;
his retreat, 231; attacked by Sháh
Jahán, vii. 70, 71, 72, 76, 77
Bálotras, ii. 164, 167
Banána bin Hanzala, i. 164
Banjáras, first mention of, v. 100
Banjí Nahárán, ii. 282
Bárbak Sháh, of Jaunpúr, iv. 455, 456,
461, v. 90; abandons it, 93
Barbarans, the, i. 53
Barfí Rája, vii. 424
Barge, etymology of, i. 539
Bargiyán (Mahrattas), vi. 333, 343
Bárha Saiyids, v. 353, 364, 378; vi. 54,
170, 298; vii. 235, 394, 434, 437,
439, 470, 498, 500, 501, 502, 504, 510,
513, 546; massacre of, viii. 56
Barhtigín, ii. 9, 403, 410
Barkamárís, i. 110
Basya caste, i. 76
Bauüra, the king, i. 21, 22, 23
Bawárij, i. 65, 539
Bayána, attacked by Sikandar Lodí, iv.
455, v. 93
Báyazíd, son of Sulaimán Kirání, iv.
509, v. 372, vi. 36
Báyazíd Jám, v. 469
Báz Bahádur, iv. 534, v. 168, 244, 260,
270; a musician, 270; flees, 270; re-
covers Málwá, 275-6; submits, 276;
death, ib.
Bedár Bakht, Prince, son of Prince A'zam,
vii. 343, 364, 369, 371, 387-8-9, 396,
532, 536, 537, 540, 550; death, 398,
400, 546; his sons, 567
Bedár Bakht (son of Ahmad Sháh),
raised to the throne, viii. 245, 247
Beg-Lár, i. 289
Benares, taken by Ghaznivides, ii. 58,
122; by Kutbu-d dín, ii. 222, 250;
by Sher Sháh, iv. 368
Bengal, kings of, iv. 260, 381; conquest
of, v. 380, 381; war in, 399, 414, 429;
third conquest, vi. 66; disturbances
in, 98; war in, 326
Bení Bahádur, Rája, viii. 206, 219, 220,
276, 348, 408, 409
Be-nizám, term, how used, vii. 12
Betel, iv. 114
Bhadauriyas, viii. 53, 262
Bhagwán Dás, Rája (also called Bhag-
want), v. 273, 346, 361, 393, 402,
422, 441, 450, 452, vi. 38, 58; death,
v. 458
Bhagwant Khíchar, Rája, viii. 341
Bhagwant Singh, viii. 50
Bhaiá Púran Mal. See Púran Mal
Bhakkar, taken by the Sammas and
by 'Aláu-d dín, i. 225; occupied by
Kísú Khán, 240, 241; rulers of, 241
et pass.; taken by Mujáhid Ghází, 282;
attacked by Ísá Tarkhán, 324; taken
by Shamsu-d dín Altamsh, ii. 155, 304
Bháo (Sadásheo) with Mahratta army,
viii. 145; at Dehlí, 147, 170, 275;
reviews his army, 399, its numbers,
400; entrenches his camp, 401; pro-
poses terms to Ahmad Abdálí, 277,
278; death, 154, 171, 264, 266, 273,
279, 281
Bháo the Pretender, viii. 282, 284, 294
Bhárá of Kach, vi. 519, 527
Bhartpúr, siege of, viii. 352
Bhátia, capture of, ii. 28, 248, 439;
iii. 64
Bhatnír, siege and reduction of, iii. 420,
Bhattí, tribe, iii. 272, v. 37
Bhats, iii. 245
Bhíd, Ráí of Panna, v. 93
Bhíkhan Khán, Prince, v. 81, 101
Bhím, Bhímpál, ii. 12, 47, 403, 427,
451, 461, iv. 180
Bhím deo, Ráí of Nahrwala, ii. 294, 300,
469, 473
Bhím Rájá, son of Ráná, vi. 410, 413
Bhoj, son of Surjan Ráí, v. 345
Bhoj Chand, ii. 48
Bhopál, rise of the State, viii. 58
Bhoslah family, vii. 255, viii. 258, 264
Bhukiyál tribe (properly Bhúgiyál), v.
278, vi. 309
Bhúngar, i. 216
Bhúpat, son of Bihárí Mal, v. 345, 367
Bhut Sháh, i. 46
Bhutáwariyas, the, i. 46
Bíbí Rájí of Jaunpúr, v. 81 to 86
Bidágh Khán, v. 62, 274, 284, 296, 301,
304, 325, 330, 352; vi. 124
Bidar, taken by Aurangzeb, vii. 124;
history of, 126
Bihár, under a separate ruler, v. 22, 37;
Muhammad Sháh, King of, 105;
conquest by Mun'im Khán, vi. 39,
campaign of Muzaffar Khán in, 45
Bihár Jíú, Rája, v. 351
Bihárí Mal, Rájá, v. 273, 504, 506
Bíjanagar, territories of iv. 105; de-
scription of, 106; coins, 109; brothels,
111; police, 111; King, 112, 261;
his seraglio, 114; wars against the
Bahmanís, vi. 230, 232
Bíjápúr, embassy to, v. 460; at war
with Ahmadnagar, vi. 91; description
of, 163; Princess married to Prince
Dáníyal, 111, 152, 162, 208; proposes
peace to Jahángír, 334; attacked by
Malik 'Ambar, 414; siege of, vii.
28; army, 51; campaign against,
52, 54, 56, 95, 110, 131; peace, 57;
Aurangzeb sent against, 119, 124;
territories of, 256; troubles in, 257;
campaign against, 277; siege raised,
278, 281; war with, 293; war renewed,
321; surrenders, 323.
Bíjápúrís, vi. 95, 110, 111, 131
Bíjí Ráí, ii. 29
Bikramájít, son of Ráná Sanka, iv. 281
Bikramájít of Gwálior, iv. 257, 281, v.
98, 486
Bikramájít Bundela, vii. 19, 47; killed, 50
Bikramájít, Rája. See Ráí Ráyán
Bilkátigín, ii. 180, 181, 267, 479
Billál Deo, iii. 87, 203
Bína tribe, i. 292
Bir Singh, vi. 3; properly Nar Singh,
50 q.v.
Biráhas, iii. 245
Birár, conquest of, vi. 84, 241
Bírbal, Rája, v. 356, 507, 524, 529, 538;
death, 541, vi. 80, 84, 191
Biswás Ráo, fights Ahmad Abdálí, viii.
264, 273
Books found by Bábar, iv. 246; at
Nagarkot, vi. 227
Brahman caste, i. 16, 76
Brahman Pál, ii. 33, 427
Bráhmanábád taken, i. 122, 182; account
of, 183; settled by Muhammad Kásim,
184; destruction of, 256
Brahmín, history of, i. 105
Bridge, over the Indus, iii. 408, 482, iv.
93; over Chínáb and Jailám, iii. 413,
484, 522; over Ganges, iv. 279, vi. 20;
over Mahi, 363; method of making,
371; over Indus, viii. 80; over Ráví
and Chínáb, 94
British settlement at Bombay, vii. 351;
at Surát, viii. 202; take a ship of Au-
rangzeb's, vii. 350; obtain permission to
build factories, viii. 380, 390; trade,
390, 392; victory at Baksar, 182, 217;
besiege Alláhábád, 182; obtain Bengal,
182; victory over Háfiz Rahmat, 183,
422; over Siráju-d daula, 211; defeat
Kásim 'Alí and Sháh 'Álam, 215;
obtain Chunár, 220; form alliance
with Sháh 'Álam, 220; peace with
Sháh 'Álam and Shujá'u-d daula, 223,
407; character of, 223, 229; Com-
pany, 411; defeat Shujá'u-d daula
and the Mahrattas, 221; government
of Bengal, 228; at Púna, 295; defeat
Mahrattas, 308; defeat the Rohillas,
301; lose and recover Calcutta, 324-5;
wars with French, 327, 437; win
Plassy, 329, 426; defeat Rohillas,
351; sieges of Díg and Bhartpúr,
352, 367; arrangements with the
Sikhs, 353; make peace with Mah-
rattas, 353; rise and progress of their
power, 368, 437
Brocade manufactories, iii. 578
Brothels, iv. 111
Bú (Suhál, etc.). See Abú
Buddhas, carried to China from India,
i. 7
Buddhists in Sind, i. 136, 147, pass.,
190, 504
Budhímán, minister of Chach, i. 140
Budhites, i. 38
Búdhiya, Ránás of, i. 160
Bughrá Khán, son of Balban, iii. 38,
111; made governor of Bengal, 120;
loses throne, 124; becomes king of
Bengal as Násiru-d dín, 129; meets
his son Kai-kubád, 130, 524, 525
Búgyáls (Bhúgiyál), v. 278, vi. 309
Bulákí, Prince, vi. 438; raised to the
throne, vii. 6; imprisoned, viii. 19
Buland Ikbál, title of Dárá Shukoh, vii.
Buluchís, i. 217, 245, 286, 314, 336
Bundelas, vii. 61, 68
Búrák Hájib, ii. 398, 399, 401, 556
Burhánpúr, taken for Akbar, v. 275;
attacked by Sáhu, vii. 306; attacked
by Mahrattas, 422; besieged, viii. 30
Burhánu-l Mulk of Ahmadnagar, v. 429,
460; vi. 70, 87, 91
Burhánu-l Mulk of Oudh, removed from
Oudh and appointed to Málwá, viii.
46; returns to Oudh, 46; attacks
Cháchandí, 46; defeats Bhagwant
Singh, 52, 341; defeats Mahrattas, 54,
262; attacks Nádir Sháh, 61; taken
prisoner, 61, 62, 84; negociates with
Nádir Sháh, 23; his treachery, 63,
75, 421; poisons himself, 64, 174;
his property seized, 84; his mansab,
173; appointed to Oudh, 173; death
and character, 23, 343, 421
Bust, siege of, vii. 94, 102