BOOK I. The institutes and notions of the ancient Hindús and their Rulers, in thirteen Chapters.—Chap. i. Creation of the world, and the appearance of Brahma, p. 16; ii. The Rulers and Rájas of Hindústán, from the time of Rája Man to the days of Rája Pánd, father of Rája Judhishthar, p. 26; iii. Reign of Rája Judhishthar and his Descendants, p. 50; iv. Rája Bisrawá and his Descendants, p. 121; v. Rája Sarwah and his Descendants, p. 122; vi. Rája Dhundar and his Descendants, p. 124; vii. Rája Bikramájít, p. 126; viii. Rája Samundarpál and his Descendants, p. 130; ix. Rája Malúk Chand and his Descendants, p. 131; x. Har Prem and his Descendants, p. 132; xi. Rája Dahí Sen and his Descendants, p. 133; xii. Díp Sen and his Descendants, p. 134; xiii. Rái Pithaurá, the last of the Rájas of Dehlí, p. 136.

BOOK II. History of the Persians, in six Chapters.—Chap. i. Their notions regarding the creation of the world and Mahábád, the first father of mankind, p. 142; ii. The followers of Mahábád, and their manners and customs, p. 147; iii. The Kings of Persia, from the time of Kaiúmárs, who is said to be the first King, to the period of Dárá (Darius), son of Dáráh, who were called the Mulúks of 'Ajam—Some of their contemporary Prophets, eminent Philosophers—Rise of Alexander the Great, p. 155; iv. Alexander the Great—Kings of Rúm who ruled after him— A description of Rúm, p. 252; v. The Mulúku-t Tawáif down to the rise of Ardashír Bábagán, who ruled after Alexander, p. 296; vi. The Sássánians, from the time of Ardashír Bábagán to the period of Yazdajird, the last of the line, p. 299.

BOOK III. History of the Muhammadans, in ten Chapters.— Chap. i. Creation of the World, p. 356; ii. Creation of the Jinns, p. 366; iii. Creation of Adam, p. 368; iv. The great Prophets, p. 374; v. Birth and rise of Muhammad chief of the Prophets, p. 447; vi. The great Khalífas, p. 461; vii. The twelve Imáms, p. 471; viii. The four Imáms, founders of the Sunní doctrines, and the ten persons who are said to have gone to Paradise, p. 481; ix. The 'Ummayide Khalífas, p. 484; x. The 'Abbáside Khalífas, p. 493.

BOOK IV. Kings of Yemen, Sultáns of Írán, Túrán and other Countries, in eleven Chapters.—Chap. i. The Táhirian Kings or Mulúks of Khurásán, p. 533; ii. The Sultáns of Khail or Gáopára, p. 536; iii. The Saffárians, p. 543; iv. The Sámániáns, p. 545; v. The Dailamite Kings of Tabaristán, p. 551; vi. The Saljúkians, p. 556; vii. The Khwárizm-sháhís, p. 565; viii. The Atábaks, p. 569; ix. The Kará-khitáís, p. 577; x. The Isma'ílians, p. 578; xi. Changíz Khán and his Descendants, p. 587.

BOOK V. The Kings who reigned after Sultán Abú Sa'íd, in twelve Chapters.—Chap. i. The Ílkánians, p. 631; ii. The Chaupánians, p. 633; iii. Shaikh Abú Is'hák King of Persia, p. 634; iv. The Muzaffarians, p. 635; v. Kings of Kart, p. 638; vi. The Sarabdárians, p. 640; vii. The Sarwán-sháhís, p. 645; viii. The Kará-kúínlú rulers, p. 648; ix. The Ák-kúínlú Sultáns, p. 650; x. The Saffaví Kings, p. 652; xi. Conquests of Nádir Sháh; xii. Ahmád Sháh Abdálí, and his Descendants, p. 692.

BOOK VI. The Muhammadan Kings who ruled in Hindústán, in nine Chapters.—Chap. i. The Ghaznívide Kings, p. 706; ii. The Ghorians, p. 723; iii. The Khiljí Princes, p. 745; iv. Tughlik Sháh and his Descendants, p. 767; v. Khizr Khán, surnamed Ráyát-i A'lá, and his Descendants, p. 796; vi. The Lodí Afgháns, p. 808; vii. Amír Tímúr Gúrgán and his Descendants, p. 822; viii. Sher Sháh and other Súr Afgháns, p. 879; ix. History of Humáyún after his second conquest of Hindústán and his Descendants, to the time of Sháh 'Álam Bádsháh, p. 901.

BOOK VII. The Rulers of the different Provinces of Hindústán, in eleven Chapters.—Chap. i. The Territory of the Dakhin, p. 1188; ii. Rulers of the Dakhin, in twelve Sections.—Sect. 1. The Bahmaní Dynasty, p. 1195; 2. The 'Ádil-sháhí Dynasty, p. 1223; 3. The Nizám-sháhí Dynasty, p. 1234; 4. The Kutb-sháhí Dynasty, p. 1246; 5. The 'Imád-sháhí Dynasty, p. 1247; 6. The Baríd-sháhí Dynasty, p. 1249; 7. Rulers of Khándesh, p. 1250; 8. Rulers of Málwá, p. 1252; 9. Sultáns of Gujarát, p. 1259; 10. The Mahrattas, p. 1268; 11. Battle with Haidar Náik and his son Típú Sultán, p. 1293; 12. Nizámu-l Mulk and his Descendants, p. 1299.—Chap. iii. The Eastern Kings of Jaunpúr, p. 1307; iv. Kings of Orissa and a description of the Province, p. 1310; v. Provinces of Bengal and Bihár and the Sultáns and Governors who ruled over them, p. 1312; vi. Provinces of Alláhábád and Oudh—Nawáb Burhánu-l Mulk Sa'ádat Khán and his Descendants who governed them, p. 1345; vii. The Rohilla Afgháns who ruled in the territory of Katehr, p. 1389; viii. The Bangash Afgháns of Farrukhábád, p. 1398; ix. The Ját Chiefs, p. 1401; x. Najaf Khán, p. 1412; xi. The Panjáb and the followers of Nának Sháh called Sikhs, p. 1415.