[THE author gives in his Preface his name and paternity as Saiyid Sultán 'Alí ul Husainí ul Musawí us Safaví, and states that he was a native of Ardabíl, in Ázarbáíján, from whence he travelled eastward, and took up his “abode under the auspicious asylum of Nawáb Shujá'u-d daula” at Lucknow. In the second year of the reign of Sa'ádat 'Alí, in 1213 A.H. (1798 A.D.), he determined to write the history of India from the times of Tímúr to the death of the Emperor Muhammad Sháh. He enumerates the authorities he has consulted: Zafar-náma, Wáki'át-i Bábarí, Táríkh-i Alfí, Firishta, 'Álam-áráí 'Abbásí, Akbar-náma of Abú-l Fazl, Ma'dan-i Akhbár-i Ahmadí, Ikbál­náma, Táríkh o Sair-i Jahángírí, Tabakát-i Akbarí, the work of Khwája Atábak Kazwíní and others. The latter part of the work is particularly occupied with the affairs of the Nawábs of Oudh, and comes down to the seventh year of the reign of Sa'ádat Alí, 1805 A.D.

Sir H. M. Elliot did not obtain a copy of this work, but the above notice has been drawn from a translation of the Preface and Table of Contents which is among his papers.]