Preface, pp. 1-11.

The Creation.—Adam.—Prophets.—Muhammad.—Imáms, pp. 12-111.

Persian Dynasties.—Greeks.—Saljúks.—Osmanlis.—Popes, pp. 212-294.

'Ummayides and 'Abbásides, pp. 294-410.

Táhirís.—Tulúnias.—Ikhshidites.—Ghaznívides.—Buwaih-ides.—Isma'ílians.—Sharífs.—Saiyids, pp. 410-464.

Ghorians.—Afgháns.—Mughals, pp. 674-816.

Kings of Dehlí, from the earliest Hindí period to the time of Farrukh Siyar, pp. 816-996.

SIZE.—8vo. 996 pages, of 17 lines each.

This work is rare. I know of only one copy. Malcolm, in his “History of Persia,” quotes a Zínatu-t Tawáríkh respecting the Ghaznívides, which he describes as a metrical history.