The Introduction treats of Chronology and of the Prophetical Office, p. 4-9.
Book I.—The Prophets.—Muhammad.—The Twelve Imáms, p. 9-39.
Book II.—Chapter 1st.—The kings who preceded Muhammad.—The
Chapter 2nd.—Kings subsequent to Muhammad.—'Abbáside Khalifs.—Táhirians.—Arab Kings of Spain.—Sharífs of Mecca. —Isma'ílians.—Sultáns of Gílán and Mázandarán.—Saffárians. —Búwaihides.—Ghaznívides.—Saljúkians.—Khwárizm-sháhís. —Karákhitáís.—Atábaks.—Ghorians.—Chiefs of Arabia.—The Cæsars of Rúm.—The Sultáns of Hind.—Guzerát.—Dekhin.— Chiefs of Lár and Hormuz.—The Khákáns of Mughals.—Sultáns of Máwaráu-n Nahr.—Amír Tímúr.—Sháh Rukh.—Sons of 'Umar Shaikh.—Descendants of Mírán Sháh.—The family of 'Usmán.—The Sultáns of Kárá-kúínlú, and of Ák-kúínlú,* pp. 39-433.
Book III.—The Saffavían dynasty, p. 434-578.
SIZE.—Small folio, 578 pp. of 18 lines each.
The subdivisions are given in greater detail in the Jahrbücher, and in exacter correspondence with the original; but it is strange that all notice of Book III. is omitted. I have seen copies in this country also, in which there is no mention of that Book.
Von Hammer-Pursgtall observes that the work is not common in Europe, but notices three copies in London, and one in his own collection. M. Fraehn also notices it among his desiderata. I know of three copies in India; at Dehlí, at Lucknow, and at Haidarábád, none of which are of conspicuous merit.*