THIS “world-adorning history” is a useful compendium, con­taining a brief account, not only of all the dynasties usually treated of, but several of less note.

The author is Kází Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Ghaffárí al-Kazwíní, to whom we are also indebted for the better known work entitled Nigáristán.* From the short account given of him, amongst the biographies in the Táríkh-i Badáúní, we learn that, having resigned his employment in Persia, he went, to­wards the close of his life, on a pilgrimage to Mecca, and that landing at Daibal in Sind, for the purpose of paying a visit to Hindustán, he died at that port, A.H. 975 (A.D. 1567).

The Jahán-árá carries the history of Asia down to A.H. 972, of which number the author tells us that the title forms the chronogram. One section of the work was extracted by Sir W. Ouseley, and published in 1799, under the title of Epitome of the Ancient History of Persia. India is noticed in several sections of the work, but they are not in sufficient detail to be of any value.

The Books and Chapters of the Jahán-árá are most fancifully divided and subdivided into leaves, pages, paragraphs, clauses, lines, letters, etc.