[Malik Ghiyásu-d dín Pír 'Alí assumed the crown after the death of his father. He threw open the gates of kindness and generosity to people of every sort, and carried on the govern­ment of Khurásán until the month of Muharram, 781 H. On this date, Sáhib-Kirán Amír Tímúr made himself master of Hirát by a treaty of peace, and taking the king prisoner, sent him to Samarkand. In the month of Ramazán, 785, the king and all his family tasted the nectar of martyrdom. Among the great and learned men who lived in the time of these kings was Abú-l Makárim Shaikh Ruknu-d dín 'Alaú-d daula (and so on with the life of the Shaikh).

Humáyún marching from Kaiwán,* the city of Kandahár was favoured with the light of the royal countenance on the 11th Muharram, 952 H. In the course of Jumáda-l awwal, he captured the fort of Kandahár, and there pardoned the offences of Muham­mad 'Askari Mírzá. About the middle of Sha'bán, he placed himself at the head of his forces, and marched to Kábul. Mírzá Muhammad Kámrán, notwithstanding his large army, had not the courage to encounter him, but fled to Sind. On the 11th Ramazán, His Majesty entered Kábul, like the soul into the body, or a rose into its parterre, and taking the people under his care and protection, they found rest in the shadow of his benevolence.]