IN this volume the history of Muhammadan rule in India is commenced. The first volume was, from the nature of the materials, introductory in its character; this opens with the accounts of the earliest inroads of the Ghaznivide conquerors. The copious extracts which it brings together from the oldest and most approved of the native historians supply ample means for tracing the rise and progress of that power which was destined to bring the whole peninsula under its sway, and to stand for seven centuries a conspicuous and brilliant example of the strength and weakness, the crimes, vices, and occasional virtues of Musulmán despotism.

The history is here carried down to the year 1260 A.D., embracing the consecutive annals of the Ghaznivides, the Ghorians, and the Slave Kings, as far as the end of the reign of Násiru-d dín. The lives of the other Slave Kings will be drawn from the Táríkh-i Fíroz Sháhí of Zíáu-d dín Barní, which, as its name implies, is a work more particularly devoted to the reign of Fíroz Sháh, and must, from the date of its composition, oc­cupy a place in the next volume.

The portion of history over which this volume ex­tends may be considered as nearly complete, though some scattered notices of the period embraced will be drawn occasionally from later writers, and Khondamír's account of the Ghaznivides will appear hereafter as the principal extract from the Habíbu-s Siyar.

Since the publication of the first volume of this edi­tion, some animadversions have appeared in print upon the absence of any recognition of the assistance rendered to Sir H. M. Elliot in the preparation of the materials for this work; and one or two special claims have been made for acknowledgments of aid contributed and work done. The Editor is informed, by those best acquainted with the circumstances, that Sir H. M. Elliot was espe­cially anxious to acquit himself of all obligation for as­sistance so rendered to him; but still, care has been and will be taken to acknowledge fully every contribu­tion deserving of notice. It so happened, however, that the whole of the matter in the first volume, with the exception of two anonymous translations, was the work of Sir H. M. Elliot himself, his munshis, or the pre­sent Editor.

Sir H. M. Elliot was assisted by many friends, both English and native, in his search for rare works, and notably by Dr. Sprenger; but at this distance of time it is impossible to do more than make a general acknow­ledgment of the fact. The notices, bibliographical and biographical, all appear to have been written by Sir H. M. Elliot himself, with the exception of those of the geographers and a few distinguished by brackets, which are the work of the Editor. There remain the transla­tions, and it is in these that the greatest aid was re­ceived. Many of the contributed translations are by English officers, both civil and military; and many more by munshis. They differ greatly in merit; some are valuable, others require the Editor's incessant at­tention from beginning to end,* and in two instances it has been found necessary to entirely reject the work done. Under these circumstances, the Editor has resolved to make no general acknowledgment, but to give the translator's name whenever that name carries with it sufficient assurance, or when a translation proves to be accurate, and in want of little or no editorial revision. By this arrangement, the translator will bear the responsibility of his own work; and the extent and value of the aid rendered will be fully understood and appreciated by the reader. In cases of translations which require to be checked and amended throughout, no name has been or will be given. The original translator cannot lay claim to the revised work, and there are few who would like their names to appear as the authors of translations obnoxious to correction.

To set this question entirely at rest, the Editor here gives a complete list of the translations which appear in the first and in the present volume, with the names of those who are responsible for them. From this it will be seen that no one has any real ground of complaint. The list is confined to the translations, because all else is the work of Sir H. M. Elliot or the Editor, except a few contributions specially and scrupulously recog­nized where they appear.



The bibliographical notices are by the Editor, excepting the notice of the Ashkálu-l Bilád, No. V., which is chiefly by Sir H. M. Elliot.

I.—Salsilatu-t Tawáríkh—Translated from Reinaud's French version by the Editor.

II. III.—Ibn Khurdádba and Mas'údí—Translations printed in the old volume revised by Editor.


V.—Ashkálu-l Bilád—Partially revised by Editor.

VI.—Súru-l Buldán—None.

VII.—Jámi'u-t Tawáríkh—The old translation revised after a col­lation of the various MSS. by the Editor.

VIII.—Idrísí—Translated from Jaubert's French version by the Editor.



I.—Mujmalu-t Tawáríkh—Sir H. M. E. and the Editor.

II.—Biládurí—Sir H. M. E. and the Editor.

III.—Chach-náma—A munshi, revised by the Editor.

IV.—Ma'súmí—Page 237 to 240 by Sir H. M. E., all the rest by Editor.

V.—Táríkh-i Táhirí—Lt. Perkins.*

VI.—Beg-Lár-náma } A munshi, revised by the Editor.

VIII.—Tuhfatu-l Kirám—Anonymous, but revised by the Editor and found to be accurate.

Appendix.—Sir H. M. E., excepting where brackets show the Editor's work.


I.—Táríkhu-l Hind } Sir H. M. E.

III.—Baihakí—From page 61 to 129 by a munshi, and although said to have been revised, it required very extensive cor­rection by the Editor; page 129 to 154 by Sir H. M. E.

IV.—Jámi'u-l Hikáyát—A munshi, whose style had been improved by an Englishman, but the translation needed a thorough revision by the Editor.

V.—Nizámu-t Tawáríkh—Sir H. M. E.

VI.—Kámilu-t Tawáríkh—Editor.

VII.—Táju-l Ma-ásir—Sir H. M. E.

VIII.—Tabakát-i Násirí—Page 266 to 359, a munshi, revised and sundry long gaps filled up by the Editor; page 360 to 383* by the Editor.

IX.—Jahán-Kushá—Sir H. M. E.


The various Notes are the work of Sir H. M. Elliot, excepting where the brackets show the Editor's additions, or special references are made to the sources of information, as in Notes B. and E.

Note C.—The translations of the extracts were made by munshis, and have been revised by the Editor.

Note F.—Majma'i Wasáyá—A munshi, unrevised.

Nigáristán, } A munshi, revised by the Editor.
Zínatu-l Majális,

Note G.—Mir-át-i Mas'údí—Translated by R. B. Chapman, Esq., B.C.S.

Note H.—Extracts translated by Sir H. M. E.


The Portrait prefixed to this volume has been copied from a sketch made by an amateur on the occasion of one of Lord Dalhousie's official receptions. As chance would have it, this is the only likeness of Sir Henry Elliot extant, otherwise, neither the formal costume nor the profile face would have recommended themselves as best calculated to convey an effective representation of the author.