This Said, although he possessed a residence, property in land, and furniture, at Nishapúr, was a native of Tús, and, in the time of the princes of the family of Sámán was of the number of the select ones of the Court and one of the body of state nobles, so directing himself that he became admitted to sit and converse with their viziers and writers, and became embued with the impression of their brilliant dignity and sentiments, and flourished in the orchard both of serious and jocose acts, and in the verities of virtue and excellence, and, from his gentlemanly conduct and glistening pearls (of speech) and agreeable subtleties, and pleasing gifts, and peculiar skill, obtained, as a result, every complete happiness and a perfect position, which he procured by the sharpness of his tongue and the firmness of his eye. And he excelled in readiness and in discussions, through his possession of power, and great fortune, and strong condition, and extended means, and affluent estates, and extensive rank, and his complete attainment of all kinds of elevation; and in the “book of pleasing morals,” from the compilations of the works of chief historians and poets, several of his works are described. And of these, several witticisms of his verse and composition confirm (this opinion) and are an evidence of his innate excellence and sweet eloquence, and exalted force and dignity. These words are an example of his salt pleasantry: “The state of a simpleton in eduaction is like the state of the ass, who has no thought except for his feed, for his straw, and for his access to the she-asses.” This assemblage belonged to the illustrious ones of the Court of the Sultán.* There were many others, excellent doctors and artistic poets, who are arranged in numbers in books and lists, to explicate the affairs of every one of whom would be alien to the object of this book, and would cause tedium and weariness. Let us now resume the course of the history and conquests of the Sultán, and the effects of his sword and spear in the provinces of the Turks and Hindús, at successive periods. And the portion of the story where it again joins on to the wars of Ilek-Khán is a theme which we will fully and amply (hereafter) treat, if God will.