Make your computation by the first let­ter in the name of the month, and you will know without difficulty what month it is in the order of their succession; like­wise by the Jummul* calculation. The letter composing the names of any year, will give you the number of the year in the Cycle* of 60.

124. It is ordered that an Irsaulnama of the whole revenue of the district shall be forwarded at the same time with the annual supplies. This Irsaulnama is to state the total of the Jumma of the district, the amount transmitted, and the balance; as also a full account of the remittances which have been sent through the Dewan of your Cutchery, in goods, cloths, coral, carda­mums, and other articles which have been purchased. It is moreover to contain a detailed account of the Jumma, and the receipts and balances, distinguishing the balances of the present year, and those of former years, which are to be carried for­ward to the account of the ensuing year.