To KUMRÛDDEEN KHÂN; dated 12th JAAFURY. (25th June.)

YOUR letter has been received, and your account of the batteries of Bûrhânûddeen being completed is understood. We have repeatedly written before now, desiring you to advance your batteries close to the walls of the fort; to destroy these effectually; to fill the ditch; and [finally] with the concurrence and advice of the Sipahdârs, to proceed to the assault of the place. Such being the case, it is astonishing that you should still wait, and continually apply to us for fresh orders for storming. [We repeat, however, once more]: In case the walls are destroyed, and the ditch is filled, you must, with the advice and concurrence of the commanders with you, proceed to the assault and reduction of the place.


The justice of the reproof contained in the preceding letter may be very fairly questioned: for though it is certain, that the Sultan had expressed considerable impatience to obtain possession of Nergûnd, yet his orders, relative to the means by which that object was to be pursued, could not be said to have been so explicit and distinct, as to leave no doubt of his real wishes and intentions; for in Letter LIX he directs a negociation to be opened with the garrison for the surrender of the place, and about a week after (Letter LXVIII) he suggests the expediency of getting possession of it, by what he calls management, plainly saying, at the same time, “that it was not to be stormed, excepting in case of absolute necessity.” The letter immediately following the last (or Letter LXIX) is not more decisive or explicit than the others. Thus it appears, that it was not without reason that Kumrûddeen was desirous of receiving more precise and positive instructions for his guidance.