To CHISHTY YÂR KHÂN; dated 23d BEHÂRY. (6th June.)

MAHOMMED USHRUF, the Superintendant of the Dewâny Kuchurry of Gooty, wrote to you, by our direction, desiring you to send to him Buswunt Râo, the Aumil of Beiginpilly; in order to his examining the accounts of the said Aumil, and ascertaining his malversations. Instead, however, of complying with this requisition, it appears, to our great astonishment, that you exhibited, on this occasion, the most senseless and extravagant behaviour; tearing the letter of the superin­tendant in pieces, and returning it to him in that condition. Such conduct is very remote from what we expected from your good sense: you must instantly, therefore, on receipt of this letter, dispatch the said Aumil to Mahommed Ushruf; and take care not to be guilty again of the like improper and rude behaviour, as such proceedings are contrary to our pleasure.


The reproof conveyed in this letter, considering the magnitude of the offence which gave rise to it, and the usual severity of the Sultan in similar cases, is so remarkably moderate, as almost to warrant a suspicion, that he occasionally suffered himself to be actuated, in his treatment of his servants, by motives of a personal and private nature, partaking, in some degree, of the character of partiality, not to say favouritism. The tearing in pieces, and returning in that condition, a letter written by the express direction of the Sultan, and most probably announcing it to be so, was hardly a less contempt of his authority, than the conduct of the Aumil mentioned in Letter XLV., whose crime was declared to merit death. It is possible, however, that the Sultan might not have viewed the transaction in this light; but have considered it as a mere personal affront to Mahommed Ushruf, which would be sufficiently punished by the bare manifestation of his displeasure.