same Date. (19th November.)

YOUR humble address was received [by us] on the 5th of Hydery [2d November] of the year Dullo. You write, “that, by the blessing of “God, you were well, and at Muscat, on the 22d of Jaafury (A.H. “1200), and that you were to proceed onward to Bussorah on the 25th “of the same month.”* You refer us, in the same dispatch, “for “further particulars, to a separate letter, addressed to us by Shâh Noor­ûllah; and moreover mention, your having, some time before, trans­mitted to the Presence, by a pair of Hurkârehs, an account of your “arrival at Muscat, together with two other packets, containing copious “details [of your journey and proceedings].” It is known. The afore­said Hurkârehs have not hitherto arrived.

We desire you to let us know what persons you have sent by the ship [which is on its return hither]. It is astonishing, that notwithstanding the written instructions [which you have received on this head], you should, instead of writing to us in detail, refer us to a letter from Shâh Noorûllah. It appears by this, that you never look at your instructions; agreeably to the saying, “the epistles of lovers [are hung or placed] upon “deer’s horns.”* Do not again lose your wits in this manner, but act according to your instructions.

You have written, “that Mûbaruk Khân, the Jowkdâr, is dead; and “that you will, with our permission, promote Mahommed .......... “in his room.” It is understood. We have invested you with full powers; you should, therefore, act in all matters according as you may think best suited to the circumstances of the moment, and not wait for our orders.

We have, at this time, in consequence of the late period to which your arrival in France will be protracted, dispatched Mahommed Durwaish, Akbar Ali Khân, Othman Khân, and other Sirdârs, to the Râjah of the French, for whom they are charged with letters and presents. They are to proceed in a French ship from Pondicherry. This is written for your information.

We have learned from report, that one of the elephants which you took with you died on your way to Muscat. It is astonishing that you should not have mentioned this circumstance.

N.B. There was added to the foregoing letter a similar account of the battle of Shânoor with that given in Letter CCCLXXXI and others.


It is remarkable, that although the Sultan had, at this time, dispatched another embassy, by sea, to France, he does not, on the present occasion, intimate any intention of recalling Ghûlâm Ali and his associates. On the contrary, he speaks of their arrival in France as an event still in his contemplation, though apparently distant. The reason, perhaps, of his not yet revoking the mission of the latter, was, that the new embassy, though appointed and now actually on its road to Pondicherry, was likely to be detained a considerable time at that place, and might, by a variety of accidents, be eventually altogether defeated. In fact, it did not take its departure from the French presidency till the middle of the year 1787.