To BUDRÛZ ZUMÂN KHÂN; dated 23d ZUBURJUDY. (22d October.)

Do you remain on the borders of Soandeh, Kittoor, Dharwâr, &c. and there apply yourself to the effectual chastisement of the turbulent wretches who infest those parts.

N. B. There follows here an order to Budrûz Zumân Khân, directing him to examine and make a report on a certain spot, situated in a part of the country comprehended in his government (but the name of which I am unable to make out), where the Sultan seems to have been desirous of erecting a fort. Besides possessing great natural strength, the position was further recommended by its proximity to the frontier of the Kokun. Indeed it is intimated to be the proper route for an army proposing to penetrate into that country. Budrûz Zumân Khân is accordingly instructed to procure and transmit to his master, the fullest informa­tion in his power on the subject.

This letter then proceeds as follows:

Demolish the fort of Kittoor. Seize upon the disturbers of the country, and incorporate them with the Ahmedies [i. e. make Musul­mans of them]. Write letters of peace [or amity], in the first instance, to the Polygar of .......... ,* and afterwards, sending a person of respectability to him, bring him over to the interests of the Sircar. Having done this, you must ascertain [through him] what strong forts there are in the Kokun, and what villages occur in the road leading thither. You are to be very particular in your enquiries [on this sub­ject]; and you are to keep the matter quite secret. You are, moreover, to make your communications to us, regarding it, in the Persian lan­guage.*


Whether Budrûz Zumân Khân joined the Sultan’s army at the same time with Bûrhânûddeen, and was now sent back to his government; or whether he had, all along, continued there, I am unable to determine. The circumstance, however, of his not being named by the Sultan, in the latter’s account of the battle of Shânoor, strongly indicates, that he did not participate in the honors of that day, since, if he had been present, it is most probable that he would have had a conspicuous station assigned to him on the occasion. I am equally ignorant, where Kumrûddeen Khân was at this period: but as it may be presumed, that, if he had been employed on a separate command, some letters to his address would have appeared in the collection, it is most likely, that he had remained in attendance upon the Sultan since the time of his return from the siege of Nergûnd. There is, indeed, reason to believe, that although he was occasionally placed at the head of an army, he was never much trusted by the Sultan, who appears to have entertained no very favorable opinion of his talents. This is particularly evinced in some minutes of a consultation, dated in 1794, in which the Meer’s incapacity is pretty plainly insinuated by the majority of the subscribing counsellors.