To RÂJAH RÂM CHUNDUR; dated 27th WÂSAAEY. (26th September.)

YOUR letter, acknowledging the receipt of our orders for putting Meer Ali, the second Bukhshy of the Ehshâm, into possession of a spa­cious dwelling-house [at Bangalore], has passed under [our] view. You state “that the aforesaid Bukhshy has pointed out the house of the “Khidmutgâr Behâdûr, as being, on account of its size, well suited to “the accommodation of his numerous family, and that he has accordingly “applied for the same.”

You must inform us,[previously to our giving our orders on this subject], in which ward, and what street, the house in question stands; as well as how many fountains, and how many apartments it contains.

N.B. A letter, requiring the same information with regard to this house, was written to Peer Khân, the Kilaadâr of Bangalore. It may hence be inferred, that the Sultan, however willing he might be to accommodate the Bukhshy with a suitable residence, suspected the one pointed out by the latter himself to be too good for him. It also appears, that the Sultan did not think proper to rely on the single report of Râm Chundur, even in so trivial a matter.