From the same to the same, and of the same Date. (18th June.)

YOUR note has been received, and its contents are understood. You write, “that hitherto, in pursuance of the intimation of the Presence,* “you have not been deficient in [your endeavours to bring] the [pending] “negociation [to a conclusion], and that, even now, nothing is gone “[or lost].”* You proceed to state, that you wish we would represent “the matter, agreeably to your former proposals, to the Presence; and “getting a settlement made accordingly, which would redound to our “honour,* apprize you thereof:” and you exhort us, “to exert our “most strenuous endeavours, to obtain and send you a favourable “answer.”

It is known. The firmament is prepared* and ripe with the ruin of the house [of your master]. Pity! a thousand pities! that you, Sir, should not have opened your eyes, or contemplated the certain conse­quences of these proceedings; but, instead of this, should write, “that, “even now, nothing is gone [or lost].” This circumstance has excited in us the utmost surprise and amazement. That friend [or you] did lately, on the part of the Begums,* supplicate, in the most humble and earnest manner, for an accommodation and adjustment of this business. In consideration hereof, and solicitous to avert the dreadful evils which menaced the honor of a world, collected together within the fort (for, in any sinister event,* ruin to the house and loss of honour* to numberless creatures must ensue), we represented the case in such various lights [and so efficaciously] to the resplendent Presence, as brought our boun­tiful master to agree to a settlement. That friend, notwithstanding this, now introduces [or brings forward] excuses, respecting an adjustment of the matter: hence it would seem, that you, Sir, are desirous of bringing about the ruin of your master’s house, and the misery of the people. This is an evil which no one can remedy. [Still, however, we would fain impress upon your mind] the propriety of weighing in the scales of wisdom the good and bad of this business; and, having obtained from your master full powers for its adjustment, of your repairing hither, in order that, somehow or other, the negociation may be terminated; inas­much as the interest and prosperity of a whole world are herein concerned [or are at stake]. Any further delay must, on the other hand, be pro­ductive of the most serious evils, which it will be no longer in your power, or in ours, to ward off. By the Divine favour, that friend is conversant in all worldly affairs, and duly acquainted with the ups and downs* of fortune [or life]. You have, moreover, witnessed with your own eyes, the fate of many ancient rulers; such as those of Kurpah and Gooty. With such examples [before you], to permit [this thing] is far removed from [or irreconcilable with] foresight [or prudence], as well as incom­patible with [your] attachment to the interest [of your master]. At any rate, it is the imperious duty of the subdued [or powerless] to omit no means of conciliating the powerful; but, by every possible submission and demonstration of humility, to avert the ruin impending over them: it is [therefore] fitting, that that friend, accompanied by two [other] persons of weight and consideration, should repair hither to-morrow, in order that we may jointly represent matters in such a way to the Presence, as shall lead to the accomplishment of whatever may [best] con­duce to the benefit of God’s creatures.