To the SHÂNOOR WALEH;* dated 15th EEZIDY. (20th February.)

YOUR letter by Gopâl Kishn has been received, and has given us great pleasure. What you write on the subject of the Paishcush is understood. What does it signify? Let the Paishcush in question be paid, by four instalments, to Nursia, the Dewân of Nugr. A letter, to this effect, is herewith enclosed for the said Dewân, to whom you must forward it. With regard to the malversations [or embezzlements], to the extent of twenty-six lacks of rupees, which have been established against the ministers, &c. of that friend, you must examine into the account of the same, and enforcing payment thereof, by flogging and other rigorous means, transmit to us bankers’ acceptances for the amount.


This letter is rather more civil, in point of style, as well as more accommo­dating in its spirit, than the last one to the same person (Letter CLI). Any change, in these respects, may be pretty safely referred, in the present case, to political motives, though it would be difficult, at this time, to trace such a change to any particular source of that kind. But as the operations of the belligerents began now to take a direction, which must soon compel the Patan to declare openly in favour of one or other of the contending parties, Tippoo’s object, at this moment, might be, either to conciliate that chieftain, or to conceal, under an appearance of relaxation from his former demands, the design he had possibly already formed, of over-running his country, and of driving him from his capital; both of which the Sultan did, very soon after the date of the foregoing letter.