To ZYNÛL AABIDEEN SHOOSTRY; same Date. (6th October.)

YOUR letter has been received. How came it, that notwithstanding your knowledge of the rainy season, you did not take Kûndilehs* with you? This circumstance occasions us great surprize. Let the grain, furnished by such of the Ryots as have submitted to your authority, be paid for. On the other hand, let that belonging to those Ryots who have adopted a rebellious course, be plundered, and applied to the use of your army.

Let assistance be afforded to Lucherâm, the Huzâry.


The person to whom the foregoing letter is addressed was a brother of Meer Allum, so well known as minister for English affairs at the court of Hyderabad. I do not know at what period he engaged in the service of Tippoo Sultan; but I believe, that no intercourse, of any kind, subsisted between the brothers. Zynûl Aabideen, though occasionally employed by the Sultan in situations of trust, would appear to have been principally esteemed for his supposed literary qualifications. He it was who composed the Futhûl’ Mûjâhideen,* under the immediate direction of the Sultan himself. He was also the author of the Sûltâne Tuwâreekh, mentioned by Colonel Wilks, in the Preface to his valuable History of Mysore: but this work appears to have been little more than a rhetorical amplification of the Sultan’s own Memoirs, as far as the latter went. The reproof given to Zynûl Aabideen, in the present dispatch, is mild in the extreme, compared with the invectives which we shall hereafter see bestowed upon him.