Letters of Tippoo Sultan
Where the spelling adopted here, and in the Index, differs from that used in the body of the work, the former may be considered as the most systematical and correct.
Remarks Explanatory of the Kalendar of Tippoo Sultanxxvi
Select Letters1
1To Mirzâ Mahommed Ali, Superintendant of the Elephant Stables at Nugr1
2— Meer Kâzim, Commercial Consul, or Chief, of the Factory at Muscat6
3— Mahommed Ghyâs, Envoy to the Court of Poonah7
4— Turbiyut Ali Khân and Râjah Râm Chundur, public Officers at Bangalore11
5the Governor of Pondicherry13
6— Mahommed Ushruf, Dârogha of the Dewâny Kuchurry at Gooty14
7— Shâh Noorûllah15
8— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân, Envoys at the Court of Poonah16
9the Same21
10— Bûrhânûddeen22
11— Meer Kumrûdden Ali Khân23
12— Turbiyut Ali Khân24
13— Mahommed Ghyâs25
14— Meer Kumrûddeen Khân26
15— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân27
16— Abdûl Hukeem Khân, Nabob of Sânoor, or Sânore29
17— Bûrhânûddeen31
18the Sipahdârs, Dileer Dil Khân, Syed Humeed, and Syed Ghuffâr32
19— Râjah Râm Chundur32
20— Meer Kumrûddeen34
21the Governor of Pondicherry
22— Meer Kumrûddeen36
23— Râjah Râm Chundur38
24— Meer Kumrûddeen39
25— Bûrhânûddeen
26— Meer Kumrûddeen40
27— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân40
28— Bûrhânûddeen41
29— Meer Kumrûddeen42
30— Bûrhânûddeen
31the same43
32— Meer Kumrûddeen44
33— Bûrhânûddeen45
34— Meer Kumrûddeen46
35— Râjah Râm Chundur47
36— Meer Kumrûddeen and Bûrhânûddeen48
37— Mahommed Ghyâs50
38the same53
39— Noor Mahommed Khân54
40— Bûrhânûddeen
41the same56
42— Ghûlâm Ahmed, Kâzy of Nugr
43— Meer Kumrûddeen60
44— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân62
45— Kumrûddeen63
46the same65
47— Mahommed Ushruf
48— Meer Kumrûddeen66
49— Bûrhânûddeen67
50— Mahommed Kâzim
51— Zynûl Aabideen68
52— Bûrhânûddeen
53— Mahommed Ghyâs69
54— Chishty Yâr Khân74
55— Meer Kumrûddeen75
56— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân77
57— Râjah Râm Chundur78
58— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân79
59— Meer Kumrûddeen
60— Bûrhânûddeen80
61the same82
62— Râjah Râm Chundur
63— Chishty Yâr Khân83
64— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân, Dewân of Kurpah84
65— Mahommed Ushruf85
66— Mahommed Ghyas86
67— Mahommed Ghous87
68— Meer Kumruddeen88
69the same89
70the same90
71the Bâdshâh (i. e. the Emperor, Shâh Allum)91
72— Munzoor Ali Khân, Chief Eunuch and principal Minister of Shâh Allum95
73— Moal Chund and Sûjân Râe, Agents at Dehli100
74— Meer Kumrûddeen102
75— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân103
76— Shaikh Ahmed, a foreign Merchant
77— Bûrhânûddeen105
78the Nabob of Sânore106
79— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân107
80— Meer Moaalâ Khân, Kilaadâr of Mûdgul108
81— Bûrhânûddeen109
82— Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khân110
83— Bûrhânûddeen111
84the same112
85the same114
86— Meer Kumrûddeen115
87the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali117
88— Meer Kumrûdeen
89the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali118
90— Bûrhânûddeen119
91— Mahommed Ghyas and Noor Mahommed Khân121
92— Bûrhânûddeen122
93— Meer Kumrûddeen124
94— Bûrhânûddeen125
95— Jusâretûddowlah126
96— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân
97— Meer Moaayenûddeen Khân128
98— Râjah Râm Chundur129
99— Meer Kumrûddeen131
100— Meer Kumrûddeen132
101the same133
102the Nabob of Kurnool135
103— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân136
104the same
105— Meer Kumrûddeen137
106— Râjah Râm Chundur
107— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân138
108the Governor of Pondicherry139
109— Meer Kumrûddeen141
110the same142
111— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân143
112the same
113— Meer Kumrûddeen144
114— Meer Mahommed Sâdik145
115— Syed Mahommed Khân, Kilaadâr of Seringapatam146
116— Noor Mahommed Khân and Mahommed Ghyâs148
117— Meer Zynûl Aabideen, Sipahdâr of a Kushoon150
118— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân152
119— Mâh Mirzâ Khân153
120— Bûrhânûddeen157
121— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân158
122— Meer Kumrûddeen
123— Budeea ûz Zumân, Taalûkdâr of Hûscotah159
124— Ali Râjah Beeby of Cannanore160
125— Bûrhânûddeen161
126— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân
127the Sipahdâr, Syed Ghuffâr162
128— Zynûl Aabideen Shoostry163
129— Meer Kumrûddeen164
130— Zynûl Aabideen, Bukhshy of Ehshâm at Chittledoorg165
131— Zynûl Aabideen Shoostry166
132the same
133— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân167
134— Ghûlâm Hyder168
135— Bûrhânûddeen
136— Zynûl Aabideen Shoostry170
137— Zynûl Aabideen Shoostry170
138— Meer Kumrûddeen174
139— Zynûl Aabideen Shoostry
140— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân175
141— Bûrhânûddeen
142— Mâh Mirzâ Khân176
143— Ehsânûllah Khân177
144— Râjah Râm Chundur178
145the Governor of Pondicherry
146— Meer Zynûl Aabideen, and the Sipahdâr, Ahmed Baig179
147— Bûrhânûddeen180
148the Imaum of Muscat181
149— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân182
150the Nabob of Sânore183
151the same184
152— Turbiyut Ali Khân185
153— Râjah Râm Chundur
154— Meer Kâzim, Commercial Consul, or Agent, at Muscat
155the same186
156the same187
157— Bûrhânûddeen
158the same188
159— Meer Kâzim
160the same189
161— Budrûz Zumân Khân
162the same191
163— Khâjeh Seth, and other Armenian Merchants192
164— Râjah Râm Chundur193
165— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân
166— Budrûz Zumân Khân194
167— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân
168— Budrûz Zumân Khân196
169— Bûrhânûddeen
170the Sipahdârs, Syed Humeed and Syed Ghuffâr208
171— Urshud Baig Khân, Foujdar of Calicut
172— Meer Kâzim209
173— Shâh Mahommed and Khyrûllâh
174— Râjah Râm Chundur210
175— Shumsûddeen Khân212
176— Budrûz Zumân Khân
177— Shâh Noorûllah
178— Râjah Râm Chundur213
179— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân214
180the Seven Superintendants of the Post at the Seven Capital Cities of the Sultanut (Circular)215
181— Ali Râjah Beeby216
182the Dewân and Bukhshy of each of the Seven Kuchurries of Seringapatam (Circular)217
183— Eaatumâdy Khojeh Firâsut218
184— Ali Râjah Beeby219
185— Shumsûddeen Khân and others220
186— Bûrhânûddeen221
187— Budrûz Zumân Khân222
188— Bûrhânûddeen
189— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân223
190— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân and Urshud-ûllah Khân224
191— Ghûlâm Ali Khân
192— Meer Kâzim Ali Khân, Postmaster at Gooty226
193— Bûrhânûddeen
194— Budrûz Zumân Khân
195— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân227
196the Nabob, Runmust Khân (of Kurnool)228
197— Meer Ahmed Ali, Taalûkdâr of Nursipoor230
198— Shumsûddeen
199— Ghûlâm Ali Khân231
200— Meer Kâzim, Commercial Agent at Muscat
201the Nabob, Runmust Khân235
202— Meer Moaayenûddeen236
203the actual and future Aumils of the Port of Calicut237
204the actual and future Aumils of the Ports in general238
205the Aumils, actual and future, of the Port of Mangalore
206— Mâo Seith, Dullâl at Muscat239
207the Imaum of Muscat241
208— Budrûz Zumân Khân242
209— Meer Moaala Khân243
210— Mahommed Ushruf244
211the Râjah of Pegu245
212— Ehsânûllah Khân247
213— Shâh Noorûllah
214— Ghûlâm AliKhân248
215the same
216the same
217— Bûrhânûddeen252
218— Syed Peer, Kilaadâr of Bangalore
219— Shâh Noorûllah253
220— Bûrhânûddeen
221— Turbiyut Ali Khân254
222— Râjah Râm Chundur255
223— Râjah Râm Chundur and Turbiyut Ali Khân256
224— Budrûz Zumân Khân
225— Bûrhânûddeen257
226the same258
227— Chishty Yâr Khân259
228the Nabob of Sânore260
229— Nuwâzish Ali Khân, son of Shûjaa ûd Dowlah261
230— Budrûz Zumân Khân262
231— Urshudûllah Khân
232— Kûtf Ali Khân and Shâh Noorûllah Khân (proceeding on an Em­bassy to Constantinople and France)263
233— Ghûlâm Ali Khân, Lûtf Ali Khân, &c. Embassadors to Constantinople, &c.264
234— Budrûz Zumân Khân267
235the same
236— Mahommed Ghyâs
237— Budrûz Zumân Khân269
238— Zynûl Aabideen, Bukhshy of Ehshâm at Gooty
239— Bûrhânûddeen270
240the same
241— Râjah Râm Chundur271
242— Mahommed Wâsil, Kilaadâr of Târmurry
243— Meer Mohib Ali, Bukhshy of Ehshâm at Gooty
244— Ghûlâm Ahmed, Kâzy of Nugr272
245— Bûrhânûddeen273
246the same
247the Nabob of Sânore274
248— Bûrhânûddeen
249— Mahommed Ali, Aumil of Ufzulâbâdy Nugr
250— Mahommed Aabdûllah, Cutwâl of the Army275
251the Dârogha of the Post Office at Putn276
252— Shumsûddeen Khân
253— Meer Mohib Ali277
254the Nabob of Sânore
255— Shumsûddeen Khân278
256— Bûrhânûddeen280
257— Mirzâ Mahommed Khân Behâdûr Sumsâm ûl Mûlk
258— Meer Kâzim, Muscat282
259— Ghûlâm Mahommed, Aumil of Mangalore284
260the Sipahdâr, Syed Ghuffâr285
261— Bûrhânûddeen286
262the same288
263— Dileer Khân Behâdûr Dileer Jung
264— Bûrhânûddeen289
265the principal Officers of the Government (a circular) accompanied by a Manifesto or Proclamation addressed to Mahommedans in general291
266the Commandant, Aabdûl Nubby297
267— Ali Râjah Beeby
268— Ghûlâm Munsoor, Aumil of Silcotah
269— Fuzl Ali Khân298
270the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali
271— Bûrhânûddeen299
272— Meer Kâzim (Muscat)300
273— Meer Moaayenûddeen
274— Bûrhânûddeen301
275— Meer Ghûlâm Mohyûddeen, Kilaadâr of Kunjun-good302
276— Mahommed Mehdy, Bukhshy of Ehshâm at Putn303
277— Ghûlâm Hûsain, at Aurungâbâd, and others (Circular)304
278— Bûrhânuddeen306
279— Meer Moaayenûddeen307
280the Commanders of the Five Bârgeer Kuchurries and Suwâr Ku­churry308
281the Commanders of the Two Jyshe Kuchurries
282the Bukhshies of the Ehshâm Kuchurry
283— Syed Mahommed Khân, Bukhshy of the Usud Ilhyes309
284— Urshud Baig Khân, Foujdâr of Calicut310
285— Chishty Yâr Khân and Zynûl Aabideen
286— Mahommed Yoosûf, Cutwâl of the Bâzâr, accompanying the Presence311
287— Mahommed Hyder, Dewân of Nugr312
288— Syed Mahommed Khân, third Dewân at Nugr313
289— Bûrhânûddeen314
290— Budrûz Zumân Khân
291— Ali Râjah Beeby
292— Budrûz Zumân Khân
293— Aabdûl Kureem, Sipahdâr of a Jyshe Kuchurry315
294— Râjah Râm Chundur316
295— Ghûlâm Hûsain Khân, second Munshoor of Bangalore317
296— Bûrhânûddeen318
297— Mahommed Ghyâs and Noor Mahommed Khân319
298— Rujub Ali, Kilaadâr of Gujundur Gurrh321
299— Turbiyut Ali Khân and Râjah Râm Chundur
300— Mahommed Shufeea, Dârogha of the Artillery322
301— Usud Ali Khân, from Ali Rizâ and Bal Mukn Doss
302From the same to the same333
303From the same to the same335
304From the same to the same336
305— Bûrhânuddeen337
306Ten Sipahdârs (Circular)
307— Budrûz Zumân Khân338
308— Bûrhânûddeen
309— Meer Tûrâb Ali341
310the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali
311— Bûrhânûddeen342
312— Zynûl Aabideen, Bukhshy of Ehshâm at Chittledoorg
313— Bûrhânûddeen343
314— Râjah Râm Chundur344
315— Runmust Khân, Nabob of Kurnool344
316— Râjah Râm Chundur346
317— Khâjeh Ibâd Khân, and four others (Circular)
318— Meer Mahommed Sâdik, Dewân of the Hûzoor, or Presence347
319— Bûrhânûddeen
320— Shumsûddeen Khân and Ghûlâm Hyder, Dâroghâs of the Tosheh-Khâneh348
321— Runmust Khân, Nabob of Kurnool349
322— Bûrhânûddeen
323the Sipahdâr, Mahommed Ali350
324— Ghûlâm Hûsain Khân, Munshoor of Bangalore351
325— Kûtbûl Mûlk352
326— Mahmood Ali Khân356
327— Bûrhânûddeen357
328— Kûtbûl Mûlk
329— Meer Moaayenûddeen358
330— Runmust Khân, Nabob of Kurnool
331— Kûtbûddeen Khân359
332— Budrûz Zumân Khân361
333— Moal Chund and Sûjân Râe, Agents at Dehli362
334— Mahommed Baig Humdâny367
335— Zynûl Aabideen, Bukhshy of the Ehshâm at Chittledoorg368
336the Râjah of the French369
337— Monsieur Cossigny, Governor of Pondicherry376
338the Dâroghâs of the Jinsy379
339— Bûrhânûddeen380
340— Shâh Aabdûllah Sâheb
341— Ehsânûllah Khân381
342— Budrûz Zumân Khân
343the Nabob of Sânore382
344the Bukhshy of the Ehshâm at Chittledoorg383
345— Meer Futah Ali, Taalûkdâr of Chik Balapoor
346— Meer Jaafur Wuffâ-Khâny
347— Bûrhânûddeen384
348— Syed Ghuffâr385
349— Bûrhânûddeen386
350— Budrûz Zumân Khân390
351the Kilaadâr of Seringapatam391
352— Bûrhânûddeen393
353the same394
354— Ghous Mahommed Khân and Mahommed Akâ, Dâroghâs of the Jinsy Tosheh-khâneh395
355— Monsieur Cossigny
356— Mûlâim Jung396
357— Bûrhânûddeen397
358— Budrûz Zumân Khân398
359— Râjah Râm Chundur399
360— Mahommed Ibrâheem, Aumil of Nâgmungul400
361— Bûrhânûddeen401
362— Budrûz Zumân Khân402
363the Kâzy of Bangalore403
364the Kilaadâr of Seringapatam405
365— Nubby Shâh, at Bangalore406
366— Mûsheer ûl Mûlk407
367— Syed Mohyûddeen, Aumil of Hûscotah411
368— Shumsûddeen Khân and Ghûlâm Hyder412
369— Syed Ahmed Sâheb413
370— Runmust Khân Behâdûr
371— Meer Ghûlâm Hûsain414
372— Bûrhânûddeen and Budrûz Zumân Khân415
373— Bûrhânûddeen416
374— Râjah Râm Chundur417
375— Syed Mahommed418
376— Bûrhânûddeen419
377— Meer Ali
378— Syed Mahommed420
379— Mahommed Ushruf421
380— Monsieur Cossigny422
381— Mahommed Baig Khân Humdâny, and others (Circular)423
382— Meer Ali432
383— Budrûz Zumân Khân433
384— Monsieur Cossigny435
385— Syed Ahmed Saheb, Boodhun Shâh, Nubby Shâh, Kuleemûllah Shâh, and others (Peer Zadehs, or Devotees)435
386— Mohyuddeen Ali Khân (Dewân of Kurpah), Chishty Yâr Khân, Râjah Râm Chundur, Nursia, and others (Circular)436
387— Abdûl Hukeem Khân437
388— Râjah Râm Chundur438
389the Bukhshy of Ehshâm at Gooty
390— Râjah Râm Chundur439
391— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân
392— Meer Moaayenûddeen Khân440
393— Mahommed Ushruf
394— Zynûl Aabideen441
395— Soojân Râe and Moal Chund, Agents at Dehli442
396— Mahommed Ushruf443
397— Râjah Râm Chundur444
398— Boodhun Shâh
399— Monsieur Moneron
400— Shumsûddeen, and others446
401— Ghûlâm Ali Khân, Lûtf Ali Khân, and Shâh Noorûllah447
402— Urshud Baig Khân449
403— Mahommed Eesau, Aumil of Ufzulâbâd Nugr450
404the Dewâns of Zuferâbâd451
405— Mahommed Durwaish, &c.452
406— Ghûlâm Ghuzunfur453
407— Budrûz Zumân Khân
408— Turbiyut Ali Khân454
409— Mahommed Durwaish, and others
410the Dewân of Chittledoorg, and others455
411— Monsieur Lally
412— Monsieur Cossigny, the Governor of Madras; Ghûlâm Ali Khân; the Imâm of Muscat, and others (Circular)456
413— Ghûlâm Ali Khân458
414— Chishty Yâr Khân and Zynûl Aabideen
415— Mohyûddeen Ali Khân, Dewân, and Ghûlâm Ghuzunfur, at Kurpah459
416— Shumsûddeen Khân460
417— Monsieur Cossigny462
418— Urshud Baig Khân463
419the Dewâns of Calicut464
420— Monsieur Cossigny
421— Shumsûddeen Khân465
422— Mûsheer ûl Mûlk
423— Ghûlâm Hyder466
424— Syed Mahommed466
425— Yâkoob, and other Armenian Merchants467
426— Meer Moaayenûddeen, Bûrhânûddeen, Mâh Mirzâ Khân, and Hûsain Ali Khân468
427— Shumsûddeen Khân, &c.
428the Dewâns of Zuferâbâd469
429— Râjah Râm Chundur
430— Budrûz Zumân Khân470
431— Meer Ibraheem471
432— Urshud Baig Khân
433— Kureem Sâheb472
434— Mahommed Durwaish473
435— Kûtbûl Mûlk Mahommed Kûtbûddeen Khân Behâdûr474
— Budrûz Zumân Khân485
— Extract from the Journal of Sir Charles Warre Malet 486
A.Tippoo Sultan’s Memorandum, with Translation; referred to in the Prefacei
B.Extract from the Sultan’s Memoirs, relative to the Expedition against General Matthews; referred to in the Prefaceiii
C.Tippoo’s Agreement with his Father; referred to under Letter I.xi
D.Historical Sketch of the Shânoor Afghans; referred to at Letter XVI.xi
E.Edicts, or Commercial Regulations; referred to under Letter XIX.xxxiii
F.Regulations respecting Spies; referred to at Letter XL.xlviii
F.*Explanation of the Cypher; referred to at Letter LXVII.xlix
G.Historical Sketch of the Patan Principality of Kurnool; referred to under Letter CII.li
H.Agreement of Meer Sâdik; referred to under Letter CXIV.lxiii
I.Extract from the Futhûl Mûjâhideen; referred to at Letter CXXXVII.lxvii
K.Marine Regulations; referred to at Letter CC.lxxvii
L.An Outline of the Sultan’s Military Establishment; referred to at Letter CCLXX.xcii