Describes Bahrām Gūr in his sovereignty, and the manner of his life*840.

When through Bahrām the crown and throne became in good estate and power and honour gained,
He fastened on the belt of seven gems*841, and sat upon the throne of seven steps.
Dressed in a Chīnī like a falcon’s breast, a Rūmī as adorn­ment over it*842;
He by his beauty took the crown from Rūm; from China tribute by his comeliness*843.
He had established like Jamshīd a throne; his turns of music rose above the sun*844.
He gave the world the rule of equity; he raised the head of justice o’er the sky.
Befriending those who fostered equity, (all) those who used oppression he oppressed.
His court was to the lock of grief the key*845, for when he came good fortune (also) came.
Through him the world’s affairs were prosperous; the atmosphere serene to breathing souls*846.
The barren cow brought forth abundantly; the water in the rivers fuller flowed.
The trees abounded (all) with ripened fruits; the coining-dies took rest upon the coins*847.
Through him the world was well administered; divided inclination left the realm*848.
In every quarter princes royal-born gained rank and honour through his majesty.
The officers of all (the king’s) domains poured out (full) loads (of treasure) at his gate.
The governors of forts brought treasures too; they offered him the keys of (all) the forts.
Each one new journals of transactions made*849; pledged to the king’s sign-manual his life*850.
The king engaging in the realm’s affairs, honoured each one according to his rank.
(All) hapless people’s business ordered well; and brought back people who had left the land.
He freed the sheep from the wolf’s tyranny; he made the falcon the dove’s relative.
He cleared sedition’s head from drunkenness; he held back (too) the hand of tyranny.
He broke the basis of his foes’ affairs, and gave his friends control of all the world.
He practised in his rule humanity: sure, that is better than oppressive rule.
When also he corrected enemies, he might kill ten, but would not harass one.
For better, when correction*851 is required, to execute a man than to torment.
He saw (with clearness) that this earthy camp*852 produces nothing but the dust of grief.
In love he made his happiness consist; and in enjoyment passed a happy time.
He had full knowledge of the unstable realm*853, (so) on the kingdom of enjoyment leant.
One day a week in business he engaged, to love devoting the remaining six.
Who is there who has not a trace of love? Whoever has no love—he has no life.
His essence from the state of love was formed, and lovers (too) became his special friends.
He had exalted business o’er the sky*854, (whilst) all the world was under his command.
He cheerfully enjoyed the world’s good gifts; he rendered justice and was (ever) gay.
Before him treasure flowed (in endless streams), the booty of the sword and of the whip*855.
Great riches by the sword he would acquire; as one might crack a whip he’d give away*856.
Although the realm was flourishing through him,—for sun-like at a rapid pace he went*857,—
His people, led away by bounteous gifts, relied (too much) upon a plenteous year.
They cast off from their hearts (all) thanks to God; and kindli­ness discarded from their breasts*858.
Whenever God’s created beings fail to offer thanks for bounties He bestows,
For them is that abundance changed to dearth, from stone and iron ’tis if food they get*859.