When Chuk, with the concurrence of the Ameers, sat on the throne of the kingdom, he opened the doors of the treasury, announcing to all that largess would be given. He made the nobility and the mobility rich, so these became his, obliged by favours; he increased the pay of the army, and he lowered the rents of the Ryuts— on this account cultivation increased. He married the queen according to the forms. When the news of this went abroad through the country, the relations of Sahsee about Jodhpoor and Jetpoor prepared to attack the country, to obtain their heritage. They collected a large force, and made arrangements for fighting. The chief Sirdar of this army was Rana Muhurut. When this force got near Jaisulmere, he (Rana Muhurut) wrote a letter to Chuk, saying: “You are a Bramin, and not calculated to be a king; you will not be able to fight: for you it is more fit that you go and sit in a corner, and do not bring yourself into a field of battle.” Chuk, taking this letter to the queen, explained its contents to her, saying— “A very strong enemy has come; what is your advice?” The queen said— “Men are best acquainted with the councils of war: if you are afraid, give me your clothes, and you shall take mine; then I will go to fight the enemy.” Chuk, becoming ashamed, bent his head downwards. At that time the queen said: “Great wealth and much hidden treasure came to you; it is proper that you now give it to the people, that they may be your well-wishers, and all shall come beneath your crown.” Chuk, upon this, again opened the treasury, giving much money to the troops, preparing them for war. He also put in proper order a field of battle. By this time Rana Muhurut approached Alore. Chuk, hear­ing of this, took his army to the field of battle. The two armies fronted each other. Then Rana Muhurut, raising his voice, exclaimed: “O Chuk! why do you bring this force to be destroyed? The dispute is between you and me; it is better that we both come into the plain and fight with each other: if you kill me, you will obtain your desire— all who are with me shall become yours; if I am victorious, the country and property shall be mine.” Chuk agreed to this— the foot of his bravery was in front. Rana Muhurut, advancing in front of his army, dis­mounted from his horse. Chuk likewise got down from his horse, giving orders to his stirrup-holder to bring his horse gently after him. When the two drew near each other, and were thinking of drawing their swords, at that moment the stirrup-holder brought up the horse, and Chuk, quickly mounting, drew his sword, and slew Rana Muhurut— with one blow his death came. The army of Rana Muhurut, seeing this, the thoughts of flight entered their breasts, and they fled. Chuk pur­sued them, killing great numbers; those who escaped might be counted. Chuk, returning that day, halted on the field of battle. The day following, the people of the city dressed up the town, and Chuk came into Alore with great state. From that time he became the sole ruler of the kingdom, and property. That same year, taking his army for exer­cise, he visited the limits of his country. Seeing that all was settled, he became free from apprehension, and, coming to Alore, he remained there. Chuk had two sons by the queen— one called Daher, the other Daher Seyn. He had also a daughter by her. Some years after this, Chuk folded up the carpet of his life, and his eldest son succeeded him.