Title Page i
Editor’s Preface ix
Translator’s Preface 1
Author’s Preamble 16
Pedigree of his lordship the prophet, by way of synopsis and distinction 19
Record of the origin of the family of prophecy and of the chiefs of the tribe of generosity 20
Record of the causes of the filling up of the well Zamzam, and its being deepened in consequence of a revelation of the Benign Sovereign 27
Record of the meeting of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb with Abrahah Bin Us-subbâh when he was proceeding to Mekkah to destroy the house of the Ka’bah 33
Record of the destruction of the companions of the elephant by stoning from the Ababil birds 37
Record of the going of the Qoraish princes to the castle of A’mdân, and Saif Zu Yazan’s giving the glad tidings to A’bd-ul-Muttalleb that the prophet of the latter times would appear 39
Record of the dream of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, with a suitable preface 46
Record of some of the qualities by which A’bd-ul-Muttalleb was distinguished in the family of A’bd Munâf 49
Record of the decease of A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, and the taking away of Muhammad by Abu Tâleb 52
Description of the connection and relationship of Muhammad with A’li B. Abu Tâleb, Othmân B. O’ffan, Zobeir B. A’wam, A’bd-ur-rahman B. A’wuf, Sa’d B. Abu Woqass, O’mar B. Al-Khattab, and others 54
Notices from the inspired books, and predictions concerning the blessed of both worlds about the epithets and properties of Muhammad 63
Record of the arrival of Toba’ in Mekkah, and his being made happy with the blessing of the Faith before the mission [of Muhammad] 68
Record of the dream of Murtad, son of A’bd Kullâb, and the interpretation of U’fira 71
Record of the dream of Rabi’ah, the son of Nasser, and the inter­pretation of Sattih the soothsayer, and of Washaq 74
Record of Sattih, the soothsayer 76
Record of Abu A’amer, the monk, and his hearing true accounts from the Genii 77
Record of the portraits of prophets 79
Record of some of the events and signs that occurred before the birth of Muhammad 85
The happy birth of Muhammad, and explanation of some of the events which took place during that night 86
Strange signs witnessed by Aminah and others during the night of the nativity, and some events that happened on the second day after the birth of Muhammad 92
Explanation of the equalization of the mansions, and of the august horoscope of Muhammad 100
The suckling of Muhammad, his being carried by Halimah to the tribe Bani Sa’ad, and the curious things which happened 104
Scission of his breast 112
Events from the fourth to the thirteenth year of his life 116
Events from the thirteenth to the twenty-fifth year of his life 119
Events of the twenty-fifth year of his life; his going to Syria on commercial affairs, and Khodaijah’s being exalted by becom­ing associated with him 125
Events of the thirty-fifth year of his life, with an epitome of the events which took place after it till the mission 131
Events that took place during the mission, and shortly before, and after the revelations 135
The descent of the revelation, the coming of Gabriel, and his reciting the evident signs to Muhammad 140
The manner of the descent of the revelation, and some varieties thereof 147
A list of the happy individuals who attained the felicity of religion at the beginning of the mission of the prophet 149
Reasons why Muhammad protected and educated A’li Bin Abu Tâleb, and how Abu Tâleb was informed of the mission of his lordship, and followed the example of his own son 150
Abu Bakr Ssiddiq professes Islâm 154
After the mission of Muhammad the Satans are prohibited to approach heaven, and Khosru Parviz, the King of Erân, is admonished 155
The prophet first secretly invites the people [to accept Islâm], and afterwards promulges his mission by the command of the Most High and Glorious Lord to all mankind 158
The wicked afflict his lordship, and the irreligious nation perse­cutes his noble companions 161
The idolaters consider the Qurân to be powerless, and persist in their obstinacy and infidelity 165
The Qoraish go in their rage and folly to Abu Tâleb, but return confounded and disappointed 169
The monotheists leave Mekkah, and depart secretly to Abyssinia 170
Cause of the return of the exiles from Abyssinia, and their second departure to that country 172
The Qoraish envoys meet the Najâshi, request him to surrender the refugees, and Ja’far Bin Abu Tâleb harangues him in that assembly 173
H??mzah Bin A’bd-ul-Muttalleb Bin Hâshem and O’mar Bin Al Khattâb profess Islâm 178
A number of tyrannical infidels agree to quarrel with the Bani Al-Hâshem and with the Bani Al-Muttalleb. The circum­stances of these two tribes whilst in the Shi’b of Abu Tâleb, and the revelation of ‘A.L.M. The Greeks have been over­come’ 184
The wickedness of the scoffers, and their punishment 191
Death of Abu Tâleb and of Khodaijah 193
Muhammad goes to Tâif, and returns therefrom, afraid and melancholy, to the vicinity of the sanctuary, where a number of Genii profess the religion, and he re-enters Mekkah by the aid of one of his well-wishers 200
Ascension of his holy and prophetic lordship; his attaining the dignity of intimacy, and his hearing Divine words concerning the mysteries of both worlds 205
The prince of existences addresses the pilgrims to the sanctuary. The inhabitants of Yathreb come to Mekkah, and those honoured individuals profess the faith 219
The first covenant at A’qâbah; Mossa’b goes to Madinah, where the high and the low profess Islâm 222
The second covenant at A’qâbah, and the flight of the covenanters to Madinah 226
Consultation of the wicked to kill Muhammad, and the flight of that chief from his country, and the going of his lordship to the cave Thor 232
Muhammad proceeds from the cave Thor to Madinah; narrative of the events which took place during that journey, etc. 240
Arrival of the august travelling party of his lordship the chosen apostle in Madinah. The meeting with the Anssâr, and the explanation of the events of the first year of the Flight by way of abridgment 247
Something about Salmân the Persian, his reaching the threshold of his holy and prophetic lordship, and record of some of his adventures 216
The events of the second year after the Flight of the prince of the righteous 267
The greater battle of Bedr 281
His lordship the apostle leaves the shelter, and throws gravel upon the infidels 318
Division of the spoils after the flight of the infidels. Consulta­tion with the companions concerning the redemption and slaughter of the captives. Abbâs B. A’bd-ul-Muttalleb, the uncle of his lordship, professes Islâm; and some other events which took place at that time 331
Cause of O’mayr B. Wohob Hajmy’s profession of Islâm 349
The Ghazwah of the Bani Qaynuqaa’ 353
The Ghazwah of Sawyq 356
Events of the third year after the Flight 357
The murder of Ka’b Bin Alashraf 358
The murder of Abu Râfi’ on the road of Hejâz 362
Ghazwah of the Bani Tha’lebah 364
Ghazwah of Ohod 366
The murder of the prince of martyrs, Hamzah B. A’bd-ul-Muttalleb 395
About Nasybah, the daughter of Ka’b, called also Omm A’mmârah, and several events which it is necessary to relate 399