Account of the flight of Kamran Myrza towards Bhiker, the taking of Kabul, and of the war between his Majesty and Soliman Myrza. A. H. 952.—A. D. 1545.

Whilst his Majesty thus advanced in formidable array towards Kabul, the Prince Kamran being terrified, first retreated to that fortress, and having collected all his family, then proceeded towards Hindustan.

As soon as the Prince had effected his escape, Caraja Khan, the governor, waited on the King; and requested him to enter the fort, which, although it was then night, he did, and alighted at the Diwan, or council room. As his Majesty had not eaten any thing the whole day, he was very hungry, and sent a message by Vasil, the chamberlain, and myself, to Rayke Begum, widow of the late emperor, to request if she had any provisions prepared to send him some.

We went and delivered the message with the King’s compliments; the Begum made her acknowledgements, and immediately gave us some beef broth, and a curry made of the same meat with vegetables. Having carried them to the council room, the chamberlain spread the table­cloth, and laid the supper before his Majesty; but no sooner had he put his spoon into the dishes and found that it was beef, than he drew back his hand, and said aloud, “Oh unfortunate Kamran! was this the mode of your own existence? and did you feed the Asylum of Chastity on the flesh of cows? what! could you not afford to keep a few goats for her subsistence? this is not fit food even for the devout persons who wait on the tomb of our father.* What! could not we, his four sons, support his relict as he did?” His Majesty then swallowed a cup full of Sherbet, and did not break his fast till next day.

In short, all the officers and chiefs of the Prince Kamran waited on his Majesty, and were all received in the most gracious manner; after which he ordered the town crier to be sent round the city to proclaim pardon and safety to all the inhabitants. He then made a division of the district in Jagyrs to all his chiefs according to their respective ranks.

As soon as the King found himself peaceably established in Kabul, he sent a Firman to Myrza Soliman of Badukhshan,* the contents of which were, “I am informed, that in consequence of your friendship for me, my brother, Kamran, has caused you a great deal of trouble. Now, thank God, the posture of affairs is changed; and as I wish to prove my affection, I request you will favour me with a visit, as I have a longing desire to see you.” The Myrza however would not accept this kind invita­tion, but wrote back, “that Kamran had exacted from him a solemn vow, that he would not visit his Majesty till he first had a battle with him.”

As the King was then employed in preparation for the circumcision of his son, Muhammed Akber, he at that time took no notice of this insult, but ordered Caraja Beg and some other chiefs to proceed to Candahar, and convoy from thence the Queen, Hemyd Banu Begum, that she might be present on this joyful occasion. During this time his Majesty employed himself in sporting on the river Baran,* and on his return encamped in a large garden called Suret Khane, where grand prepara­tions had been made for this indispensable cere­mony. The Queen having arrived, the royal throne was raised, and a number of stools were placed near it for the Princes and Nobility. The King then mounted the throne, and all the grandees were seated according to their respective ranks. The Prince Akber was then brought in, and cir­cumcised according to the Mussulman law; after which dresses of honour were conferred on all the chiefs, and a sumptuous entertainment was given to them and all their attendants.

The King soon after found himself at leisure to think of Myrza Soliman’s affair: in consequence of which he appointed Myr Muhammed Aly to be governor of Kabul, and marched out to the fort of Zuffer, where he mustered his forces, and thence proceeded to Anderab. The Myrza Soliman having at the same time advanced, the contending armies met at the village of Tyrgerãn, and a battle took place; but, through the Divine favour, we gained the victory, and the Myrza was compelled to flee.

After this event his Majesty marched to Keshem, where he remained for three months. Immediately on quitting Keshem he was taken ill, and was for one day in so dangerous a state that he was insensible, and several of the chiefs prepared to desert. During this time Caraja Khan fearing a rebellion, confined the Prince Askery in his house. But the Queen, although greatly distressed, person­ally attended the King, and having squeezed some pomegranates, poured the juice into his mouth, which, through the grace of God, restored him to his senses: he then opened his eyes, and asked the Queen what was the state of affairs; she told him, that every body was in the greatest anxiety and perturbation. He therefore sent for Caraja Khan, and said to him, “I feel much better; go and com­fort my people.” On this the Khan came out, and informed the chiefs that his Majesty was again quite sensible. In a few days the King recovered, and returned to the fort of Zuffer, whence he despatched Mehter Vasil, and some other officers, to bring from Kabul the tents and arms requisite for marching into Hindustan.