Account of the taking leave of the two monarchs, and the departure of the King for Candahar. A. H. 951-2.—A. D. 1544-5.

The next morning, as soon as the rain had ceased, Shah Tahmasp stood up, and said, “Now, Humayun, you may go, and the blessing of God be with you!” he then presented him with two apples and a knife, and placing a ring on the King’s finger, gave him his dismissal. He then commanded that the Prince Bahram should accompany his Majesty to the stage where his tents were pitched.

The King having made his obeisance, mounted his horse, and, being accompanied by the Prince and a number of people, proceeded on his journey. When they came within sight of the tents, the Prince requested his dismissal; upon which the King, having cut an apple in two, gave one piece to Bah­ram and eat the other himself: he then drew from his pocket a diamond ring, and gave it to the Prince, saying, “this ring was a keepsake of my mother’s, preserve it in remembrance of me; such is my friendship for you, that I would willingly remain with you all my life; but my reputation is at stake, and obliges me to leave you.” The Prince replied, “be assured that I will keep the ring in remembrance of your friendship; depart in confidence of suc­cess in all your undertakings.”

That day the King made a short march, and in three more days reached Tabriz.* We remained there five days, during which time his Majesty visited the bazar of Cæsarea and the dome of Syria, so called from the materials of which it is built, having been brought from Syria. In going through the market he saw two Turks, who having saluted him, he said, in Turkish, “give my compliments to your sovereign;” they replied, in the same language, “most certainly we will.” The King then proceeded towards Ardebyl,* and in four nights reached that city, and remained there a whole week. The objects of coming to Ardebyl were, first, to visit the tombs of Shaikh Seffy,* upon whom be the peace of God! and of Shah Ismael; at the gate of which there is a chain, by getting inside of which any culprit is saved from the pursuit of the officers of justice, whatever may have been his crime: the other object was to perform the ceremony of betrothing a niece of the Persian monarch, the daughter of Masum Beg, who had been promised to him.*

After this ceremony his Majesty proceeded to Derya Kulzan (the Caspian sea), over which there is constantly, a thick fog or mist. Having satisfied his curiosity, he returned to Ardebyl; from thence he came to Kherdebyl, from thence to Tarun, thence to Serkhab, and from thence, after several marches, reached Cazvin.

It so happened that the Persian monarch, who had been making an excursion in the country, returned the same day to Cazvin, and seeing the King’s tents, asked to whom they belonged; when told they were the encampment of King Humayun, he said, “what! has he not yet left this country?” He then ordered Mehter Khyaly to come and desire that his Majesty would make a march of twelve ferseng (leagues.) In consequence of this message the King made several marches, and had nearly reached the fort of Aris, when four horsemen were seen on the Desert, who came up and killed Yakub the Suferchy (butler.) As soon as the King was informed of the circumstance, he ordered the men to be pursued; but when our people came up with them, they said, “why are you following us? we have but acted by Shah Tahmasp’s orders.”

Now the reason of the murder of Yakub was this: there had been a quarrel between him and the chamberlain, Hussyn Aly Aka, in consequence of the Persian monarch having one day sent to the King a present of several swords, one of which Hussyn Aly took for himself; Yakub having obtained information of this dishonesty, mentioned it to his Majesty, in revenge for which the Aka complained to his master, Shah Tahmasp, that Yakub had spoken disrespect­fully of the Persian cap.* This was the real cause of the murder of poor. Yakub, which much annoyed his Majesty.

After this the King continued his march to Sebzvar, and at this place ordered that the Begum, with all the heavy baggage, should proceed by the route of Tebesh, (or Tubbus of the map,) while he should go to Meshehed, and again visit the tomb of the Imam Aly, son of Musa, “upon whom be the grace of God!” His Majesty accordingly marched to Meshehed, and received back the bow, together with the string, which he had suspended on the tomb; by which circumstance he was much gratified, it being a proof that the Imam or his servants were auspicious to his affairs.

During the period of seven days that his Majesty remained at the holy sanctuary, it snowed the greater part of the time.

At length the snow having ceased, the King marched to Ravut Terk, and from thence to Lengur, where is situated the tomb of Shah-Casim-Anvar; from thence to the fort of Kah or Gah, where one of the twelve holy Imams disappeared. It is said that even to this day, the sounds of drums and trumpets are heard from the tomb; and every person who has any wish ungratified, has only to repair thither, and having offered up his petition in a pious and humble manner, the Lord God causes it to be ful­filled. After remaining there one night, his Majesty proceeded to Tebesh (or Tubbus), and from thence after several marches entered Systan.