N.B. In this work the Arabic or Persian letter <Arabic> is expressed by kh, as in Khaun, Sheikh, &c. The letter <Arabic> in the beginning of a word is generally expressed by J, as in Jummaudy, Jaguir; in other parts of a word by dj, as Hidjerah, Adjmeir, or by the simple j, as in Punjaub, Khanjar, &c. The letter <Arabic> is represented by gh, as Chirâgh, Afghan: the Arabic <Arabic> by th, as in Thauni: the long <Arabic> generally by au, as in Khaun, Zauhed, Bauz, &c. The <Arabic> at the beginning of a word by Y, as in Yaheya; in other parts generally by ei, as Peishkesh, Seleim, Parveiz, &c. At the beginning of a word <Arabic> is expressed by V, as in Vezzeir; in other places by w, as Diwan; or by ou, as in Roum, Nour, &c. To express the Persian letter <Arabic> before <Arabic> guei or gui are used, as in Jahangueir, Jaguir, &c.