1. 'Abdu`lláh al-Ḥusayn b. Sahl, known as Tájí Duwayr, (<Arabic>). His yearly income was 200,000 dínárs. One night at ´Amul some of the courtiers and boon-com­panions of the Ispahbad came to visit him, and he bestowed on them 500 silken garments, and wrote them a cheque for 20,000 dínárs:


One day his master the Ispahbad Pádhúsbán went out hunting, and was beset by a number of petitioners (<Arabic>), of whom he asked, “whom do ye seek?” Being answered that they sought the Ispahbad in order to lay their needs before him, he said: “If ye seek the Ispahbad who is king and ruler, and who has wealth, servants, retinue, pomp, glory and a merry life (<Arabic>), then it is Tájí Duwayr at ´Amul; but if you seek that one who night and day is with his falcons, his cheetahs and his dogs, then it is I.”

2. Abú Isḥáq Ibráhím b. al-Marzubán constructed, out of his own income, most of the roads and bridges of Ṭabaristán and Rúyán.

3. Muḥammad b. Músá b. Ḥafṣ. The daily expenditure of his kitchen at ´Amul was 1000 dínárs, and at his own charges he sent 1000 pilgrims to Mecca, whom he fed so delicately during the journey thither that in the middle of the desert they had fresh fish and cress from Ṭabaristán to eat.

4. Abú Ṣádiq Hárún b. 'Alí al-Ámulí visited Mecca in this same fashion.

5. 'Alí b. Hishám al-Ámulí visited Mecca in this same way in the days of 'Abdu`lláh al-Ma`mún, and every day in the desert heralds proclaimed, “Come to the banquet of the Amír!” And at his table men of note and persons of no consequence alike sat down as his guests. Al-Ma`mún ordered that no one in Baghdad should sell him fire-wood or cress, but he brought paper to burn instead of fire-wood, and in place of cress he garnished his table with green silk torn up into shreds.

6. Sahl b. al-Marzubán possessed Láriján. He constructed a road through country which before his time was impracticable both in summer and winter, by cutting and tunnelling the mountains, making bridges, and building rest-houses; and made this road the best and safest.