Other important cities of Ṭabaristán
beyond Tammísha.

Gurgán was founded by Gurgín son of Mílád*. It was always the capital of the marzubáns of Ṭabaristán, and has a circuit of about four parasangs. Gurgín’s ass-herds (khar­bandagán) used to graze their beasts about Astarábád, which town sprung up to meet their needs and took its name from their mules (astar). The whole land, from Dínár-jáy* to Malát (which is the extreme limit of Ṭabaristán in that direction), and from Ray and Qúmis to the seashore, was well cultivated and thickly populated, and there were 28 cities within the district of Tammísha, each with its mosques, oratories, markets, judges, and men of learning, as follows:

In the Plain. (1) ´Amul, (2) Sárí, (3) Mámṭír, (4) Rúbast, (5) ´Arazm (B. ´Ararm), (6) Turícha, (7) Muthla (<Arabic>), (8) Mihrawán, (9) Machúrí (B. Bíjúrí), (10) Ahlam, (11) Jálús (B. Sálús), (12) <Arabic> (B. <Arabic>), (13) Ṭís (or Quhsibah, or B. Mahastiya), (14) Tammísha, (15) Gurgán.

In the Mountains. (16) Kalár*, (17) Rúyán*, (18) Namár, (19) Kajúya*, (20) Wíma (<Arabic>), (21) Shalanba, (22) Wabád (B. Wamád), (23) Abkhama (<Arabic>), (24) Sármám, (25) Farím, (26) Hazár-garí*, (27) Damáwand, (28) Láríján.

The revenues of Ṭabaristán in the time of the Ṭáhirids (<Arabic>, i. e. A. D. 820—872) amounted to 6,003,000 dirhams, according to the following detail:

Sárí as far as Tammísha: 1,300,000 dir.
Mámṭír and Turícha: 370,000 dir.
´Amul: 1,400,000 dir.
Jálús(B. Sálús)-Rúyán: 300,000 + 900,000 = 1,200,000 dir.
Rán-Ḥál (f. 36a): 360,000 dir.
Damáwand (B. Dunbáwand): 1,200,000 dir.
TOTAL: 5,830,000 dir.*

The farms (<Arabic>) of Ṭabaristán were divided into three classes, and they produced in the time of the Ṭáhirids 7,000,900 dirhams, as follows:*

<Arabic> 300,000 dir.
[B. <Arabic>] <Arabic> [B. <Arabic>] <Arabic> 1,000,300 dir.
<Arabic> 1,300,000 dir.*
[B. <Arabic>] <Arabic> 1,500,000 dir.
<Arabic> 1,000,000 dir.
<Arabic> 1,000,000 dir.
TOTAL: 6,100,300 dir.

The total income from all the farms, land-taxes and imposts of Ṭabaristán beyond Tammísha in the time of the Ṭáhirids amounted to 13,300,000* dirhams.
