The Author's escape from Isphahan.— Entry of Mahmôd into Isphahan, and his usurpation of royalty.— Accession of Shah Tahmâsb to the royal throne of his inheritance, in the Court of Sovereignty, Cazvin.— Arrival of the Author at Khonsâr— at Khorram Abâd.

BY the blessing of divine providence, when, from the violence of my anxiety, and the excessive weakness which was a consequence of my dis­order, my situation was become most extraordi­nary, and at the moment that the general distress had reached its extremity, in the early part of the month Moharram of the year one thousand one hundred and thirty-five, I changed my clothes, and in company of two or three of the greatest lords, my friends, having quitted the city in peasant's disguise, I arrived at a small town, distant two farsangs from the city. Shortly afterwards, some of the relatives and courtiers of the king, taking him with them, repaired to the residence of Mahmôd, and had an interview with him.

On the next day, which was the fifteenth of the aforesaid month Moharram, Mahmôd, having entered the city, alighted at the Palace, and had the prone recited, and coin struck, in his name. A multitude of persons who had still remained in Isphahan, obtained pardon and clemency; and the late Soltan (Hosein) was placed in a corner of his own palace, and committed to the custody of a guard. On the intelligence of these events, the high and mighty prince, Shah Tahmâsb, who, during the severity of the siege, had been sent forth with a crowd of his attendants, and had arrived at the Court of Sovereignty, Cazvin, ascended and seated himself on the royal throne of his inheritance.

For myself, having taken my departure from the small place I mentioned, and having, with the greatest difficulty, performed some most perilous stages, I arrived in safety at the town, Khonsâr. Here I staid some time, as winter was come on, and the roads were full of snow. At length, hav­ing provided myself with what was requisite for the journey, I set out and arrived at Khorram Abâd,* which is the chief seat of government of Loristân Feili, and is a highly cultivated and populous country, well watered, and of salubrious air. The amenity of its situation is much celebrated. In extent, this province is sixteen days' journey in length, and as many in breadth. It has some delightful towns and villages, and a variety of charm­ing and romantic spots. From the most ancient times, it has been the abode of the Feili Tribe, which exceeds one hundred thousand families. At that time it was governed by Ali Merdân Khan, son of Hosein Khan, of the tribe of Feili, and of the house of the ancient race and great lords of the exalted Safavean family. He had a particular friend­ship and affection for me, and was, in truth, one of the bravest and most accomplished men of the age. To the disorders and fatal symptoms which shewed themselves in the constitution of these eventful times, his mind and inclination were bent on applying the most appropriate remedies. But, not­withstanding the strength of the force under his command, and the multitude that was gathered around him, his efforts, from obstacles which it would be tedious to mention, were unproductive of any effect, and were refused the concurrence of those who might have served him. In this place I halted, having no longer the power to move; and, through the severity of my sufferings, I was filled with lamentation and complaints against the attacks of my adverse fortune. In the strange condition to which my afflictions and my distress­ing adventures had reduced me, the powers of my mind fell dormant; and the page of my memory, becoming void of every particle of knowledge with which it had been formerly inscribed, now pre­sented a perfect blank. I had no power left me of speaking or putting words together; and the only trace of life that remained in me, was the feeble connexion of my breath with my helpless body. In this state I continued a whole year; at the end of which period my health returned; and that was ascertained and made evident to me, which has been mentioned by Sheikh Ibn Gharbi in the section Idrisi of his book, Fisôs El Hikam. I afterwards wrote a full commentary on the Sheikh's saying; and from those who read my work it remained not concealed, that the descrip­tion of the strange occurrences and events that befell me, was a manifestation of wonders and a prodigy of fortune, wherein minuteness of detail would exceed all measure of possibility. With that which may be described, should freedom be given to the pen and nothing be excused or omitted, whole volumes might be filled, and my entire life would be engaged in the performance. How then in these few moments of leisure is the recital possible even of a small portion and sample of my adventures? A little out of much, one among a thousand of the occurrences must be briefly stated.

In Khorram Abâd was assembled a company of noble, pious, and learned men, who took an affectionate interest in my welfare. The lords and princes also of that province I found with a becoming demeanour and praise-worthy qualities. The sincere and pure friendship of all of them in my regard was very great; and in their society, and in walks, and excursions, they kept me wholly and agreeably employed. In the course of time, I explored every part of that country.

Among its principal inhabitants was that pillar of eminent and generous men, that model of great lords, Amir Seyyid Ali Môsavi,* with his brother Amir Seyyid Hosein. The former had succeeded as heir to the prince of excellent men Mir Aziz Allah Jezâïri, and had been near sixty years resident in these parts. He was exceedingly respected, and resorted to for advice by the com­munity of that country; in most of the sciences possessed perfect ability; and for piety and tem­perance was unrivalled. He, indeed, was a prince of exalted conduct, and high estate; and his love and regard for me were carried to such a pitch, as to be incapable of further increase. His brother, also, was a most excellent noble­man; and all his family and relatives were sin­cere friends to me.

In that town also resided the learned Mawla, Cadzi Nizâm Oddin Ali of Khorasân, who having studied a length of time in Isphahan, had acquired a just taste and a sublime comprehension. With a number of other students, he prevailed on me by intreaty to employ myself in repetitions; and they began with me on the Osôl Kâfi, the Tefsir Beidâwi, the Sharh Ishârât, &c. From the richness of his ingenuity and intelligence, I was impressed with a great affection to these exer­cises; and I staid more than two years in that country, always passing my time in the most agreeable manner. The above-mentioned lords, and also the Cadzi, lived here in great magnifi­cence, till within a few years ago, when I heard of their departure to the mercy of God.