Removal from Shiraz to Beiza.— Mention of the prince of eminent men, Seyyid Ali Khan.— Departure from Beiza to Aradakan of Shiraz.

AFTERWARDS, from Shiraz I removed to a place called Beiza of Fars, where, at the present time, no city is remaining; but the habitation consists of many populous villages. Here the sweetness of the air and water is remarkable, and the pleasant situations and delightful hunting-grounds are numerous. I staid a long time in these borders; where was residing the excellent, polite, noble, magnificent, and ingenious supporter of religion, Seyyid Ali Khan, son of Seyyid Nizâm Eddin Ahmed Hoseini, God have mercy on his soul! He was one of the nephews of the master of mankind, Mir Inâyat Addin Mansor Shirâzi, and an excel­lent collector of knowledge, particularly in the classics, wherein he was the first of his time. He composed Arabic verse with becoming elegance and force, and has a Divan of his own. In weigh­ing the subtilties of Arabic poetry, I have not seen his equal. Of his compositions, one is An Exten­sive Commentary on the Sahifah Kamilah; another a book called Badiaiah, &c. He was high-minded in the extreme, of most laudable qualities, and, in truth, a prodigy of his age. From Mecca the Revered he came to Isphahan, and was much respected by the late Sultan, who had the inten­tion of honouring him with the dignity of Sadr Os Sodôr.* But the aspirers to that office exerted their endeavours, and used every influence against him. The lofty mind of the noble Seyyid scorned the intrigues of world-seeking men, and, retreating to Shiraz and Beiza, he chose retirement until the hour that he repaired to the mercy of God. For some days I enjoyed the benefit of his society; and he shewed perfect friendship and affection towards me.

Hajji Nizam Addin Ali Ansari Isphahani was also dwelling in that place. He came to me, and lectured with me on The Sharh Tajrid, and The Istibsâr Hadis. A great intimacy arose between us; and he was most praise-worthy in his man­ners, of high sentiments, detached from the world, and acquainted with its nature and pursuits. Here I wrote Scholia on The Omôr Aamah of The Sharh Tajrid, a Treatise on The Investigation of Vocal Music, and a Treatise on Logic.

In this place, I met with a learned man of the Magi, whom they called Dastôr; by which title it is the custom of the Magi to call their learned men. He became friendly with me; and I learnt from him all he knew concerning the principles, doc­trines, and history of his sect, of which he was well informed. He was of an upright character, and of perfect temperance and sanctity.

Thence I went to Ardakan of Shiraz, where I saw Mawlana Abd Alkerim Ardakâni, who was one of the devout men, and skilled in prayer and holy words, and had high acquirements in Astrology. I enjoyed his intimate society for some time, and from him I gained the solution of certain difficult questions. He repaired shortly after to the mercy of God, at the age of ninety years.

In that town I also saw Mir Abd Annebi Ispha­hani , who was an inhabitant of Kâm Firôz, of Fars, and was some time on terms of familiarity with me. He was an honest, well educated Seyyid, thoroughly versed in law and tradition, and of much research and information. At that time, he had written a treatise on Inheritances, which he shewed me. It was written with depth and perspicuity.