Title Page | |
Dedication | iii |
Preface | v |
Corrections | xxiv |
Author's Preface | xxxvii |
The Author's Ancestry | 1 |
Short history of the Author's father.— His wonderful powers of penmanship.— His admirable rectitude of conduct and surprising assiduity in divine worship | 9 |
The Author's birth.— His surprising powers of memory.— His love for composition in prose and verse.— Mention of some eminent scholars of that time | 17 |
An Account of some of the eminent men of this epoch | 32 |
Description of Isphahan | 41 |
Departure of the author from Isphahan, in company of his father, to Gilan.— Mention of a number of the learned contemporaries then living.— Arrival at Lahijan | 50 |
Short Account of the Province of Gilan | 53 |
Return to Isphahan.— Mention of some of the excellent and learned Authorities | 56 |
Endeavours of the Author to learn the truths, and penetrate the mysteries, of the different religions and opposite opinions.— Singular aid, and blessing of God conferred upon him | 62 |
A singular occurrence of carnal attraction, and afterwards of divine favour | 65 |
Collection of the Author's Poems into a Divan or Series.— Mention of that distinguished virtuoso the late Mir Abd Al Ghani | 71 |
Removal of the Author from Isphahan to the Court of Excellence, Shiraz.— Mention of some other pillars of distinction, and learned men of rank | 74 |
A singular occurrence at Shiraz | 88 |
Removal from Shiraz to Beiza.— Mention of the prince of eminent men, Seyyid Ali Khan.— Departure from Beiza to Aradakan of Shiraz | 90 |
Return to Shiraz.— Removal from Shiraz to Fasa.— Mention of the learned doctor, Sheikh Salam Allah.— Journey to Kâzerôn, and acquaintance in that town | 93 |
Arrival at Sholistân and Jahrom— at the town of Dârâb— at Lar.— Entrance into Bender Abbâsi.— Undertaking of a journey to Mecca, and setting out by sea.— Being cast on the shore of Ommân.— Arrival at Maskat— at Bahrein— at Bender Kang | 97 |
Return to Shiraz.— Arrival at the Court of Worship, Yazd | 101 |
Return to Isphahan.— Mention of the illustrious Master, the late Mawlana Mohammed Sâdic.— Arrangement of a second Divan | 104 |
Decease of my learned father, light be the earth on his tomb!— Departure from Isphahan to Shiraz.— Arrangement of a third Divan | 110 |
Return to Isphahan | 112 |
The Author's escape from Isphahan.— Entry of Mahmôd into Isphahan, and his usurpation of royalty.— Accession of Shah Tahmâsb to the royal throne of his inheritance, in the Court of Sovereignty, Cazvin.— Arrival of the Author at Khonsâr— at Khorram Abâd | 124 |
March of the Turks to the conquest of Irân.— Descent of the Turkish army on Kermân Shah.— Mention of some of the occurrences concerning the King, and of the disturbed state of the provinces of Irân.— Arrival of another commander of the Turks with an army in Azerbâïjân.— Engagements of the King with them | 130 |
Melik Mahmôd Khan usurps the seat of sovereignty in Khorâsân.— The Emperor of the Russians conquers Gilan.— The Afghans settle themselves in Isphahan, and subdue the country around them | 135 |
Murder of the royal princes.— Mahmôd becomes mad, and dies.— Ashraf, the Afghan, seats himself on the throne of Isphahan.— Battle of Ahmed Pasha with the Afghans, and defeat of the Turks.— Soltân Hosein is put to death | 139 |
Commemoration of some of the contemporary learned men and grandees, who were on social terms with the Author | 141 |
Remainder of the Author's adventures during his residence at Khorram Abâd.— The Turks besiege the Court of Sovereignty, Hamadân.— Their conquest of it, and massacre of its inhabitants | 147 |
The Author sets out on a journey to Hamadân.— Returns from Hamadân to Nahâvend.— Travels through the province of Bakhtiâri.— Arrives at Khorram Abâd— Dezfôl— Shôshter— Hoveizah— Basrah.— Embarks on a sea-voyage, bound to Mecca the Revered.— Arrives at Bender Môkha.— Travels to Taîz and Sanaâ.— Returns from Yemen to Bender Môkha, and thence to Basrah— Hoveizah, and Shôshter | 153 |
Mention of the Sabians.— The Author goes from Shôshter into Loristân.— Arrival of the Pasha in Loristân, and his subdual of that country.— Departure of the Author with the Turkish army from Loristân to Kermanshah.— Prevalence of the Turks over the confines of Irâk, and the strife of the peasantry with them.— Battles of Sobhân Verdi Khân with the Turks | 160 |
Capture of Tabriz and conflict of the Turks and Tabrizians.— The Author goes to Toi and Sirkân.— Starts for Bagdad, and afterwards has the honour of visiting the illuminated Mesheds of Irâk.— Returns to Bagdad.— Resolves on a journey to Khorasân, and arrives at Kerman Shah.— Travels into Kordistân, and Azerbâïjân.— Arrives in Gilân; afterwards in the terrestrial paradise, Mâzenderân | 166 |
Conclusion of the history of the Shah.— Fight between the Shah's army and Ashraf the Afghân; and defeat of the former.— Departure of the Shah for Mâzenderân; thence for Khorâsân, and his reduction of that province.— Melik Mahmôd Khan goes to meet the Shah's troop, with the intent to offer battle.— Melik Mahmôd is besieged.— Capture of the holy Meshed.— Departure of the Author from Mâzenderân to Asterâbâd.— His arrival at Meshed.— Nadhr Coli Beg comes to the Royal Camp; he arrives at power, and obtains the title of Tahmâsb Coli Khân | 171 |
Formation of a fourth Divan | 176 |
Approach of Ashraf the Afghân with his army, and departure of the King and the Author of this history from Meshed towards Irâk.— Engagement of the exalted monarch with Ashraf the Afghân, and flight of the rebels.— March of the victorious commanders towards Isphahan.— The Author goes into the province of Mâzenderân.— Removes from Mâzenderân to Tehrân | 191 |
The Afghans arrive at Isphahan and make preparations for sustaining the war.— The King once more engages a fight with Ashraf the Afghan in the environs of Isphahan, and the Afghans are defeated.— The Court of Sovereignty, Isphahan, is captured, and the Afghans flee to Shiraz.— The army of the Kizil Bâsh pursues the Afghans, under the command of Tahmâsb Coli Khân.— Warfare of the Great Khân with Ashraf the Afghan, and flight of the rebels.— Arrival of Ashraf and the remnant of the Afghans, who escaped the sword, at the town of Lâr.— The brother of Ashraf is killed by the peasants.— The inhabitants of Lâr wrest their strong fort out of the hands of the Afghans.— Dispersion of the Afghan army, and flight of Ashraf in the direction of Candahâr.— A singular circumstance.— Ashraf the Afghan comes to a violent death | 196 |
March of the Great Khan to Hamadân.— His conflicts with the Turks, and victory over them.— The Author removes from Tehrân to Isphahân.— The Khan marches his army into Azerbâïjân, reconquers the court of Sovereignty, Tabriz, and puts the Turks to flight.— Expedition of the Great Khan from Azerbâïjân to Khorâsân.— Siege of the Court of Sovereignty, Herât.— The Author removes from Isphahan to Shiraz.— Arrives at Bender Abbâsi and resolves on a journey to Mecca | 204 |
Engagements of the King with the faction of Dargazîn and the Turkish armies in Azerbâïjân, and his victory over them.— He lays siege to the castle of Iravân, and makes peace with the Turks.— The Author travels by sea from Bender Abbâsi to Bender Sôrat, and thence to Mecca the Revered.— Has the honour of making his procession round the Kaaba, and of performing the sacrificial rites of the Hijjat Ol Islâm.— Returns from his pilgrimage to Bender Abbâsi.— Arrival of the Khan at Isphahan.— Shah Tahmâsb is deposed from the sovereignty, and his son Abbâs Mirza is made King.— Opposition and war of the Bakhtiâri Tribe against the Great Khan, and their subsequent submission.— March of the Great Khan to Bagdad.— Defeat of Ahmed Pasha, and siege of Bagdad | 216 |
Continuation of the Author's adventures.— He removes from Bender Abbâsi and arrives at the town of Lâr.— Cruelty of the governor and officers of the revenue in that country.— Command of Mohammed Khan of the Balôch tribe in the province of Fârs | 224 |
Abd Al Ghani Khan governor of Jahrom is besieged and made war on by the Commander-in-Chief of Fars.— Assassination of the governor of Lâr, and disturbance in that country.— Arrival in Lâr of the Commander-in-Chief Mohammed Khan; his war upon the inhabitants and their defence.— Mohammed Khan exhausted in strength retires from Lâr.— The inhabitants of Lâr withdraw from the city | 229 |
Arrival of the Author at Bender Abbâsi.— Sea-voyage from Bender Abbâsi to the coast of Ommân.— He goes to Mascat, and thence returns to Bender Abbâsi.— Removes to the country of Jarôn; and thence to the province of Kermân.— Rebellion of Mohammed Khân | 236 |
Commandership of Tôpâl Pasha, and arrival of the Turkish Army in Irâk Arab.— Battle between the Great Khân and Tôpâl Pasha the Turkish Commander.— Victory of Tôpâl Pasha, and his halt in Kerkôyah.— Arrival of some Turkish troops on the confines of Kordistân.— Engagement of the Great Khan with the Turkish troops, and his triumph over them.— Battle with Tôpâl Pasha, who is slain.— The body of Tôpâl Pasha is sent to the Mosque of Abo Hanifa.— Bagdad is besieged a second time | 242 |
The Author removes from Kermân to Bender Abbâsi.— Abandonment of the siege of Bagdad and march to the repulsion of Mohammed Khan.— Executions at Shoshter and devastation of that city.— War with Mohammed Khan.— Flight of Mohammed Khan towards the country of Lâr | 247 |
Departure of the Author from Persia, and his sea-voyage from Bender Abbâsi to Tatah.— He goes from Tatah to Khodâ Abâd.— Arrives at Bhakorr.— Goes to Moltân, and resides there.— His apology for writing these pages.— Incident of the plague spreading in Moltân.— The Author removes from Moltân and comes to Lâhôr.— Removes from Lâhôr and arrives at Shahjehân Abâd.— Retreats to Lâhôr | 251 |
Remainder of the occurrences in Persia subsequent to the Author's arrival in Hindôstân.— Flight of Mohammed Khan and his capture.— Murder of Mohammed Khan by his own hand.— Extirpation of the Shâfia peasantry out of the territory of Lâr.— Battles with the Turks and their disgraceful defeats.— War with the Lezgi and their being put to flight | 264 |
Installation of Nâdir Shâh in the Sovereignty of Irân— Embellishment of the Garden of Rizâ and the addition of a new stream of water.— Construction of a Tomb.— War with the Bakhtiâri tribe, and slaughter of them.— March to Candahâr.— Siege of the fortress of Candahâr.— Building of Nâdir Abâd | 269 |
A few words touching the history and circumstances of Hindôstân | 275 |
Ambassadors are consecutively dispatched to India.— The envoy, Mohammed Khan, is detained in Shâh Jehân Abâd.— Conquest and destruction of the fort of Candahâr.— Nâdir Shâh arrives at Câbol.— Murder of the Ambassador at Jelâl Abâd.— Nâdir Shâh marches to Jelâl Abâd.— General massacre of the inhabitants of that town.— Ibrâhim Khân is killed in Shirâz.— Battle with Nâsir Khân, who is taken prisoner.— Arrival of Nâdir Shâh at Peshâver, and his passage of the river at Atak | 284 |
Remainder of the history of the Author.— His removal from Lâhôr and arrival at Sarhind.— Nâdir Shâh arrives at Lâhôr.— The governor of Lâhôr is overthrown.— Nâdir Shâh proceeds towards Dehli.— The Author sets out from Sarhind and arrives at Dehli | 291 |
Nâdir Shâh arrives at the plain of Karnâl, fights a pitched battle with Mohammed Shâh, and gains the victory.— Nâdir Shâh takes up his quarters in the citadel of Shâh Jehân Abâd.— Revolt and general massacre of the inhabitants of Dehli.— Nâdir Shâh takes Sind and Kâbol to his own possession.— Mohammed Shâh is confirmed in his sovereignty.— Marriage of the son of Nâdir Shâh | 295 |
Shâh Tahmâsb is put to death.— Duration of the dynasty of the Safavean Soltâns, may God illumine their evidence!— Conclusion of the history of the Author | 302 |
Appendix | 309 |