A CERTIFICATE of the Sale of a slave-Girl.

THE occasion of writing these lines is to certify that I Ali son of Nizam, resident in Jalore, make just and legal declaration to this effect. That of my own free will and accord I have disposed of and sold to Mahommed Kasim, a slave Girl, supposed to be three Years of age, for the sum of twenty Akberi Rupees present currency; and having received the said sum have given a receipt; that if any person should again make a claim or demand on this account, I may be responsible; and give him satisfaction. These few words I have given by way of Certificate, that in case of need there may be evidence. Writ­ten on the 29th of the Month Saffirulmuzaffir, (may God bring it to an end in happiness and success) in the 1190th Year of the flight of the Prophet.