MAY my fortunate son Khojeh Dilawer, being under the care of Almighty God, enjoy life and prosperity and be successful. At this unlucky time I have heard that the much respected person Mianabdussillam, having by the decree of the Omnipotent delivered up the deposite of life; and having departed from his corruptible to his eternal mansion, hath left the scar of his departure upon the heart of his friends, both far and near. God knows that upon having this melancholy news, my soul remained not within my body. From excess of grief and affliction I made great lamentation, but to what purpose, since every creature in the end has the same journey before him?

“Whoever comes into the world will be mortal.
“He who will be eternal and lasting is God.”

However there is no remedy for this evil but patience: help­less I have put my hand into the bosom of patience. May heaven likewise grant to that fund of knowledge and wisdom perfect patience, and a great reward; and give you life and spirits. At present the whole family is dependant on you: It is the business of prudence to give comfort to every one, that they may not be broken hearted. Keep your resolution firm; please God, hereafter finding an opportunity, and having represented this terrible accident to his majesty, and having received a fine dress with his royal Fir­man for your satisfaction, I shall forward them to you. It is proper that, till meeting, you continue to write me an account of your situation; and whatever you may want here, give me your command, that I may exert myself as far as possible in executing them. What should I write more?