Reigns for two years, and dies.

AFTER Nasir-ood-Deen Gholam was put to death, he was succeeded by Nasir Shah, a lineal descend­ant from Shums-ood-Deen Bhungera. This prince

A. H. 832.
A. D. 1428.

reigned to the satisfaction of all classes of his subjects for a period of two years, when he died, A. H. 832.

Reigns peaceably for a period of seventeen years, and dies.
A. H. 849.
A. D. 1435.

NASIR was succeeded by Barbik, who reigned peaceably for a period of seven­teen years, and died A. H. 849.

Reigns for eight years, and dies.
A. H. 866.
A. D. 1457.

BARBIK was succeeded by Yoosoof, who reigned between seven and eight years, and died in the year 866.