Reigns three years, and dies.

ON the vacancy of the throne, by the death of Sooltan-oos-Sullateen, it was filled by his son, Shums-ood-Deen II.; who after an inglorious

A. H. 788.
A. D. 1386.

reign of three years quitted this world of vanity for that of eternity, in the year 788.

Raja Kans, a zemindar of Bengal, becomes the founder of a new dynasty — reigns seven years, and dies.

SUBSEQUENTLY to the death of Shums-ood-Deen II. a zemindar of the name of Kans made head against the Mahomedan power, and succeeded in placing himself on the throne of Bengal; but the Al-

A. H. 795.
A. D. 1392.

mighty withdrew his favour from him, and after a reign of seven years he died, A. H. 795.