Provokes a war with the King of Ahmudnuggur — solicits aid from the King of Malwa, which is granted. — The King of Ahmudnuggur declines the contest, and retires. — The Malwa general causes his master to be acknowledged King of Kan-deish, and after exacting valuable presents from Dawood Khan he retires to Malwa. — Death of Dawood Khan Farooky.

MEERAN ADIL KHAN leaving no male child to inherit his dominions, they devolved on his younger brother Dawood. * Immediately after his ac­cession, two brothers, Hoossein Ally and Yar Ally, Moguls, began to acquire great influence about the person of the Prince; so much so that he created the elder his prime minister, with the title of Hissam-ood-Deen. At the instigation of this per-

A. H. 909.
A. D. 1503.

son, in the latter end of the year 909, the King declared his intention of at­tacking some of the frontier towns of the kingdom of Ahmudnuggur. Ahmud Nizam Shah Bheiry, anticipating his movement, marched an army into the province of Kandeish. Dawood Khan retreated within the fortress of Aseer, and sent an envoy to Malwa, soliciting the assistance of Sooltan Nasir-ood-Deen. The King of Malwa, viewing him as a neighbour and relative, sent a force under Yekbal Khan to assist him; when Nizam Shah Bheiry, unwilling to become in­volved in a war with Malwa, retreated to Ah-mudnuggur. Yekbal Khan, however, continued his march to Boorhanpoor, where he required Dawood Khan to cause the public prayers to be read in the name of Sooltan Nasir-ood-Deen; and having exacted from Dawood Khan two elephants, and sundry articles of value, the Malwa general returned to Mando. Some years after, Dawood Khan died on Wednesday, the 1st of

Awul 1.
A. H. 916.
August 6.
A. D. 1510.

Jumad-ool-Awul, in the year 916, after reigning eight years. Mullik Hissam-ood-Deen and the rest of the officers placed Ghizny Khan, the son of the late King, on the throne; but after two days, for what cause God only knows, Mullik Hissam-ood-Deen caused the young king to be poisoned.