1370 FEROZE TOGHLUK, King of Dehly The district of Talnere conferred on Mullik Raja
1387 Dilawur Khan Ghoory made governor
1389 MAHMOOD TOGHLUK, King of Dehly
1391 Moozuffur Khan, governor
1397 ———— assumes the title of King
1399 Teimoor invades India Death of Mullik Raja. — MULLIK NU-SEER, King
1400 —— sacks Dehly, and expels the King Mahmood Toghluk of Dehly solicits an asylum —————— affords a refuge to the exiled King of Dehly
1401 The districts of Idur and Diù taken from the Hindoos The King of Dehly quits Malwa to re­occupy his throne. — DILAWUR KHAN assumes the title of King
1406 The kingdom of Dehly limited to within a few miles of the city Dilawur Khan dies. — SOOLTAN HOO-SHUNG, King
1407 Moozuffur Shah wages war with the King of Malwa Sooltan Hooshung is defeated, and made prisoner
1408 ————— is restored to his throne
1410 ———— dies.—AHMUD SHAH I. King
1411 Ahmud Shah has to contend with his cousins for the throne ————— invades Guzerat in aid of the pretenders Mullik Nuseer occupies Aseer by treachery
1415 SYUD KHIZR KHAN, King — he re­covers part of the Doab
1417 ———— levies tribute from the Raja of Buglana ———— receives the regalia from the King of Guzerat, and the title of Khan
1418 Formidable confederacy of the Hindoos against Ahmud Shah Sooltan Hooshung invades Guzerat to aid the Hindoos
—— Ahmud Shah exacts tribute from the Raja of Champanere, and invades Malwa. — Peace concluded ————— is defeated at the battle of Kaliada. — Peace with Gu­zerat
1421 Syud Khizr Khan dies, and is suc­ceeded by SYUD MOOBARIK War renewed with Malwa ————— proceeds to Jajnug-gur to obtain elephants, and returns to Mando. — Battle of Sarungpoor. — Levies tribute from the Raja of Kehrla
—— Ahmud Shah retreats. — End of the war
1426 ———— builds the fort of Ahmud-nuggur, near Idur
1427 War with the King of Joonpoor
1428 War with the Gukkurs in the Punjab The Raja of Kehrla attacked by the Bahmuny King of the Deccan
1429 ———— invades the Deccan. — Battle of Manukpoonj The King of Malwa proceeds to the Deccan, but is defeated
1430 Bombay and Tanna taken by the Dec-can troops, but recovered by the Guzeratties
1432 Lahore temporarily occupied by the Moguls Death of Sooltan Hooshung. — SOOL-TAN MAHOMED GHOORY, King
1435 Death of Syud Moobarik. — SYUD MA-HOMED, King Mahomed is murdered by his relative Mahmood Khiljy
1436 Ahmud opposes the pretensions of Mah-mood Khiljy to the throne of Malwa Severe contests for the crown, which finally terminate in the firm establish­ment of SOOLTAN MAHMOOD KHILJY
1437 Mullik Nuseer becomes involved in war with the King of the Deccan
1440 Dehly besieged by the King of Malwa Sooltan Mahmood proceeds to Dehly by invitation, but meets with little encouragement, and in consequence returns Battle of Lulling. — Death of Nuseer Khan
1441 ————— invades Rajpoothana— besieges Koombulmere and Chittoor MEERAN ADIL KHAN. — MEERAN MOOBARIK KHAN
1443 Death of Ahmud Shah I. — MAHOMED SHAH, King
1444 Sooltan Mahmood wages war with the King of Joonpoor
1446 SYUD ALLA-OOD-DEEN, King of Dehly —————— levies tribute from the Rana of Mundulgur
1447 Thirteen independent Mahomedan kings in India
1450 Mahomed Shah proceeds to impose tribute on Champanere —————— marches to assist the Raja of Champanere
1451 ————— retires hastily to Ah-mudabad, and dies. — KOOTB SHAH, King —————— invades Guzerat
1453 BHEILOLE LODY, King War with Malwa. — Battle of Surkech, wherein the King of Malwa captures the crown jewels of Guzerat
1455 ————— recovers a part of the Dehly empire Kootb Shah invades the territory of the Rana —————— takes Kerowly, Aj-mere, and Runtunbhore
1457 ———— takes Aboogur by storm — dies. — DAWOOD SHAH, King —————— invades the territory of the Rana, and exacts tribute Meeran Moobarik Khan dies. — ADIL KHAN, King
1461 —————— invades the Deccan — gains the battle of Bidur
1462 —————— marches to the relief of the King of the Deccan —————— is compelled to re­treat with heavy loss
1464 Kehrla taken by the army of the Deccan
1465 —————— levies tribute on the rajas along the coast south of Surat —————— gains the battle of Elichpoor. — Kehrla restored. — Peace with the King of the Deccan
1467 The Raja of Kehrla retakes that fortress, but it is again wrested out of his hands
—— An ambassador arrives from Aboo Syeed, King of Bokhara
1469 —————— invades western Guzerat, and takes Girnal or Girnar —————— dies.—GHEIAS-OOD-DEEN, King — confides the whole management of his government to his son
1470 —————— invades Kutch and Sind — builds Moostufabad, in western Guzerat
1474 Bheilole Lody conquers the kingdom of Joonpoor
1482 Mahmood Begurra commences the siege of Champanere
1484 —————— Champanere ta­ken, after a siege of more than two years
1490 Death of Bheilole Lody. — SIKUNDUR, King
1494 Bombay attacked by Bahadur Geelany, a Deccan chief. — Reparation made by the King of the Deccan
1495 Commencement of the civil war
1498 The Portuguese reach India by the route of the Cape of Good Hope —————— compels Adil Khan of Kandeish to pay tribute — invades the Deccan Death of Gheias-ood-Deen. — NASIR-OOD-DEEN, King
1500 A Portuguese fleet of thirteen sail of ships arrives.—The Portuguese make war with the Mahomedan fleets. — The latter well supplied with cannon, and make use of fire-ships
1503 Severe naval action off Cochin Adil Khan dies. — DAWOOD KHAN, King
1507 Two Portuguese fleets, consisting of thirty-five vessels, reach India
1508 A fleet of twelve vessels reaches India. — Naval action off Choul. — The Portuguese first employ the Indians against their enemies —————— sends his admiral to join the Turkish admiral from the Red Sea to engage the Portuguese fleet
1510 Goa taken by the Portuguese — recap­tured by the King of Beejapoor —————— places his grand­son, ADIL KHAN II. on the throne of Kandeish — receives an embassy from the King of Dehly — also from the King of Persia Dawood Khan dies. — ADIL KHAN II.
1511 Goa retaken by the Portuguese, on which occasion five thousand native troops are employed —————— dies. — MOOZUF-FUR II. King
1512 Death of Nasir-ood-Deen. — MAH-MOOD II. King
1512 Contests for the throne among his bro­thers—his Hindoo chiefs prove their attachment to him — he becomes jealous of them
1517 Sikundur Lody dies. — IBRAHIM, King of Dehly Moozuffur Shah marches into Malwa He flies to Guzerat Adil Khan II. accompanies the King of Guzerat into Malwa
1518 Mando captured from the Hindoos after a dreadful slaughter, and Mah-mood II. reinstated on his throne
1519 Rana Sanka invades Malwa — defeats Sooltan Mahmood II. and makes him prisoner. — Mahmood restored to his throne by Rana Sanka
1520 The Portuguese fail in an attempt to take Diù Rana Sanka invades Guzerat ———— dies. — MEERAN MAHO-MED, King
1521 A second attempt also fails Moozuffur Shah invades the dominions of the Rana
1524 The Prince Bahadur quits his father's court in disgust, and proceeds to Dehly
1526 Babur ascends the throne of Dehly Death of Moozuffur Shah II. — SIKUN-DUR, King — his death. — MAH-MOOD II. King. — BAHADUR SHAH, King
1527 Contests for the throne Sooltan Mahmood affords an asylum to the Guzerat princes Meeran Mahomed engages in war with the King of the Deccan, and is de­feated — solicits the aid of his uncle, Bahadur Shah of Guzerat
1529 —— dies. — HOOMAYOON, King of Dehly Bahadur Shah invades the Deccan, and causes himself to be acknowledged King in Berar and Ahmudnuggur
1531 The Portuguese armada of four hun­dred ships and twenty-two thousand men sails from Bombay against Diù ———— invades Malwa, and sub­dues it. — The Portuguese fleet and expedition repulsed off Diù Mando taken by escalade. — Death of Mahmood II. —————— attends his uncle, Bahadur Shah, in the campaign in Malwa
1533 Battle of Agra gained by Hoomayoon, who invades Malwa ———— affords an asylum to the malecontent Mogul chiefs
—— ———— defies the power of Hoo-mayoon — besieges and takes Chit-toor
1534 War with Bahadur Shah. — Defeat at Mundsoor.—Mando and Champanere taken. — Guzerat occupied by the Moguls Bahadur Shah defeated, and pursued by Hoomayoon through Malwa to Cambay. — Guzerat held by the Moguls
—— Insurrection of the Afghans in Bengal ———— recovers his kingdom
1535 ———— is killed in an affray with the Portuguese at Diù. — MEERAN MAHOMED SHAH, King
1536 His death. — MAHMOOD III. King Meeran Mahomed called to the throne of Guzerat. — MEERAN MOOBARIK KHAN, King
1539 Hoomayoon expelled from India by Sheer Shah Soor
1541 Malwa conquered by Sheer Shah Soor
1543 Conquers Malwa — takes Runtunbhore — besieges Kalunjur — is killed by the explosion of a shell. — SULIM SHAH, King
1552 Sulim Shah dies. — MAHOMED SHAH SOOR ADILY, King
1553 Mahmood III. dies. — AHMUD II. King
1554 Hoomayoon crosses the Indus from Persia, and regains his crown
1556 ———— his death. — AKBUR, King
1558 Final re-establishment of the Mogul empire
1561 Death of Ahmud II.—MOOZUFFUR III. King BAZ BAHADUR, King — is attacked by the Moguls Meeran Moobarik Khan aids Baz Ba­hadur
—— Dissensions in the state The Mogul general killed, and Baz Bahadur restored
1566 —————— dies. — MEERAN MAHOMED KHAN
1567 Akbur invited into Guzerat Invasion by Akbur
1572 —— enters Guzerat to expel the Mirzas. — GUZERAT CONQUERED Occupation by Akbur, and abdication of Moozuffur III.
1575 —— invades and occupies Behar. — BEHAR CONQUERED
1576 Meeran Mahomed Khan dies. — RAJA ALLY KHAN
1578 MALWA CONQUERED Baz Bahadur abdicates his throne in favour of Akbur
1583 Death of Moozuffur III. the last of his race
1584 Death of Bahadur Shah, the last of the kings of Luknowty
1590 SIND CONQUERED. — Berar ceded to Akbur
1592 MOOLTAN CONQUERED Boorhanpoor is sacked by a body of mutineers from Ahmudnuggur
1595 Battle of Soopa in the Deccan Raja Ally Khan killed. — BAHADUR KHAN
1599 AHMUDNUGGUR CONQUERED. — KAN-DEISH CONQUERED Aseer besieged and taken — Bahadur Khan deposed.