Contests between Mirza Mahomed Baky and Khan Baba, the sons of Mirza Eesy Turkhan. — Mirza Mahomed Baky is successful.

AFTER the death of Mirza Eesy Turkhan, his two sons, Mirza Mahomed Baky and Khan Baba, both set up as rivals for the government; but the elder brother, Mirza Mahomed Baky, having collected the more numerous force, succeeded in establishing himself; and during his rule he al­ways maintained a friendly intercourse with Akbur Padshah of Dehly, frequently sending presents, and acknowledging fealty to that monarch; but during the life of Mahmood of Bhukkur, like his predecessor he was sometimes engaged in war,

A. H. 993.
A.D. 1584.

and sometimes at peace. He died, after a reign of eighteen years, in the year 993.