Page 3, line 24, end, add ‘Kisari Mohan Ganguli and published by.’

Page 14, line 30, end, add reference number 5 and ‘The text also allows the view that Farúd dwelt on Mount Sapad. See Vol. v, p. 30.’

Page 15, Note 1, end, add ‘There was no difficulty in finding an additional rhyme without using ‘Pashan.’ ‘Gashan’ (much) rhymes with ‘Pashan’ in Vol. VIII, p. 397 and note.

Page 20, line 22, end, add reference number 1, and at bottom1Cf. Vol. 1, p. 61.’

Page 36, line 8, for ‘Tis’ read ‘'Tis.’

Page 45, line 23, for ‘that’ read ‘thou.’

Page 59, line 17 and elsewhere, for ‘Almighty’ read ‘almighty’ when not absolute.

Page 68, line 18, for ‘stoneand’ read ‘stone and.’

Page 83, note 2, end, add ‘(p. 10).’

Page 84, line 7 from bottom and elsewhere, for ‘All-holy’ read ‘all-holy’ when not absolute.

Page 102, line 22 for ‘Omnipotent’ read ‘omnipotent.’

Page 110, line 2 and elsewhere, for ‘Who’ read ‘who.’ 6, for ‘Whom’ read ‘whom’.

Page 130, line 11, add comma at end.

Page 134, line 6, end, add! line 15, end, add”.

Page 141, line 2 from bottom and elsewhere, for ‘Holy’ read ‘holy’ when not absolute.

Page 148, note, for ‘Pehlevan’ read ‘Pehlewan’ and after ‘donna’ delete comma

Page 151, line 4 from bottom, add full stop at end.

Page 172, note, for ‘Car’ read ‘car.’

Page 191, line 12, for ‘Abul’ read ‘'Abu'l.’

Page 194, line 8, for ‘Khan’ read ‘Khán.’

Page 213, line 22, for ‘Oleader’ read ‘O leader.’

Page 234, note, for ‘Et’ read ‘et’ and for ‘comblan’ read ‘com-blant.

Page 237, line 7, prefix“.

Page 241, line 22, delete ‘far.’

Page 251, note, for ‘Sur’ read ‘sur.’

Page 275, line 10, end, delete!

Page 285, line 8 from bottom, for ‘fraicheur’ read ‘fraîcheur.’ last line, add reference number 2.

Page 287, side reference, for ‘V. 1063’ read ‘V. 1065’ and subse­quent side references consecutively, i.e., ‘V. 1066,’ ‘V. 1067,’ etc., up to page 305.

Page 294, line 7, for ‘buffalos’ read ‘buffaloes.’

Page 298, note, for ‘La’ read ‘la.’

Page 304, line 11, delete semicolon and insert comma.

Page 305, line 25, add side reference ‘V. 1086,’ and read subsequent side references consecutively, i.e., ‘V. 1087.’ ‘V. 1088,’ etc., up to page 356.

Page 318, note, for ‘Il’ read ‘il.’

Page 328, line 12, end, insert semicolon.

Page 348, line 15, add comma at end.