VOLUME IV PAGE ABBREVIATIONS3 NOTE ON PRONUNCIATION4 PART VI. THE BATTLE OF THE TWELVE RUKHS— SECT.PAGE 1.The Prelude9 2.How Afrásiyáb called together his Host10 3.How Kai Khusrau sent Gúdarz to fight the Túr-ánians 12 4.How Gív was made the Bearer of Overtures from Gúdarz to Pírán16 5.How Gív visited Pírán at Wísagird19 6.The Arraying of the Hosts22 7.How Bízhan went to Gív to urge him to fight26 8.How Húmán asked Pírán for Leave to fight29 9.How Húmán challenged Ruhhám31 10.How Húmán challenged Faríburz34 11.How Húmán challenged Gúdarz35 12.How Bízhan heard of the Doings of Húmán39 13.How Gív gave the Mail of Siyáwush to Bízhan44 14.How Húmán came to battle with Bízhan47 15.How Húmán was slain by Bízhan49 16.How Nastíhan made a Night-attack and was slain53 17.How Gúdarz asked aid of Khusrau56 18.The Answer of Khusrau to the letter of Gúdarz58 19.How Khusrau arrayed the Host61 20.How Pírán wrote to Gúdarz Son of Kishwád63 21.The Answer of Gúdarz to the Letter of Pírán68 22.How Pírán asked Succour from Afrásiyáb75 23.The Answer of Afrásiyáb to the Letter of Pírán78 24.How the Íránians and Túránians fought a pitched Battle81 25.How Gív fought with Pírán and how Gív's Horse jibbed84 26.How Gúdarz and Pírán arranged a Battle of Eleven Rukhs88 27.How Pírán harangued his Men of Name93 28.How Gúdarz and Pírán chose the Warriors for the Battle of the Eleven Rukhs95 29.How Faríburz fought with Kulbád99 30.How Gív fought with Gurwí99 31.How Guráza fought with Siyámak100 32.How Furúhil fought with Zangula101 33.How Ruhhám fought with Bármán102 34.How Bízhan fought with Rúín102 35.How Hajír fought with Sipahram103 36.How Gurgín fought with Andarímán104 37.How Barta fought with Kuhram105 38.How Zanga, Son of Sháwarán, fought with Akhást105 39.How Gúdarz fought with Pírán106 40.How Gúdarz returned to the Warriors of Írán109 41.How Lahhák and Farshídward bewailed Pírán112 42.How Lahhák and Farshídward took the Road to Túrán115 43.How Gustaham pursued Lahhák and Farshídward117 44.How Bízhan followed after Gustaham119 45.How Lahhák and Farshídward were slain by Gusta-ham 121 46.How Bízhan beheld Gustaham in the Mead123 47.How Kai Khusrau built a Charnel-house for Pírán and for the other Chiefs of Túrán, and how he slew Gurwí the Son of Zira126 48.How the Túránians asked Quarter of Kai Khusrau129 49.How Bízhan returned with Gustaham132 PART VII. THE GREAT WAR OF KAI KHUSRAU WITH AFRÁSIYÁB— 1.In Praise of Sultán Mahmúd139 2.How Kai Khusrau arrayed his Host against Afrásiyáb145 3.How Afrásiyáb heard that Pírán was slain and that Kai Khusrau had arrayed his Host150 4.How Kai Khusrau had Tidings that Afrásiyáb advanced to fight with him157 5.How Shída came before his Father Afrásiyáb158 6.How Afrásiyáb sent an Embassage to Kai Khusrau161 7.How Kai Khusrau sent an Answer to Afrásiyáb168 8.How Kai Khusrau fought with Shída the Son of Afrásiyáb171 9.How Shída was slain by Khusrau175 10.How the Battle was joined between the Hosts177 11.How Afrásiyáb fled183 12.How Kai Khusrau announced his Victory to Káús185 13.How Afrásiyáb went to Gang-bihisht186 14.How Khusrau crossed the Jíhún187 15.How Kai Khusrau fought with Afrásiyáb the second Time190 16.How Afrásiyáb took Refuge in Gang-bihisht193 17.The Letter of Afrásiyáb to the Faghfúr of Chín196 18.How Kai Khusrau arrived before Gang-bihisht198 19.How Jahn came to Kai Khusrau with an Embas­sage from Afrásiyáb200 20.How Kai Khusrau made Answer to Jahn204 21.How Kai Khusrau fought with Afrásiyáb and took Gang-bihisht207 22.How Afrásiyáb fled from Gang-bihisht211 23.How Kai Khusrau gave Quarter to the Family of Afrásiyáb212 24.How Kai Khusrau exhorted the Íránians216 25.How Kai Khusrau wrote a Letter with the News of his Victory to Kai Káús217 26.How Kai Khusrau had Tidings of the Coming of Afrásiyáb with the Host of the Faghfúr219 27.The Message of Afrásiyáb to Kai Khusrau221 28.How the Íránians and Túránians fought223 29.How Afrásiyáb made a Night-attack upon Kai Khusrau and was defeated224 30.How the Faghfúr of Chín sent an Envoy to Kai Khusrau229 31.How Afrásiyáb crossed the Sea230 32.How Kai Khusrau sent the Prisoners and Treasure to Káús with a Letter232 33.The Answer of Sháh Káús to the Letter of Khusrau237 34.The Embassage of Kai Khusrau to the Faghfúr of Chín and the King of Makrán238 35.How Kai Khusrau fought with the King of Makrán and how the King of Makrán was slain241 36.How Kai Khusrau crossed the Sea245 37.How Kai Khusrau reached Gang-dizh247 38.How Kai Khusrau returned from Gang-dizh to Siyáwushgird250 39.How Kai Khusrau returned from Túrán to the Land of Írán254 40.How Kai Khusrau returned to his Grandsire256 41.How Afrásiyáb was captured by Húm of the Race of Farídún259 42.How Afrásiyáb escaped from Húm261 43.How Káús and Khusrau came to Húm264 44.How Afrásiyáb was taken the second Time and how he and Garsíwaz were slain266 45.How Káús and Khusrau returned to Párs269 46.The Death of Kai Káús270 47.How Kai Khusrau fell into Melancholy272 48.How the Nobles inquired why Khusrau had closed his Court275 49.How the Íránians summoned Zál and Rustam277 50.How Kai Khusrau saw Surúsh in a Dream280 51.How Zál admonished Kai Khusrau282 52.How Kai Khusrau answered Zál284 53.How Zál rebuked Kai Khusrau286 54.How Kai Khusrau answered and how Zál excused himself288 55.How Kai Khusrau gave his last Charge to the Íránians291 56.How Kai Khusrau appointed Gúdarz to be his Mandatary294 57.How Zál asked of Kai Khusrau a Patent for Rustam296 58.How Kai Kausrau gave a Patent to Gív298 59.How Kai Khusrau gave a Patent to Tús299 60.How Kai Khusrau gave the Kingship to Luhrásp300 61.How Kai Khusrau farewelled his Women304 62.How Kai Khusrau went to the Mountains and vanished in the Snow305 63.How the Paladins were lost in the Snow308 64.How Luhrásp had Tidings of the Disappearance of Kai Khusrau311 LUHRÁSP— 1.How Luhrásp built a Fire-temple at Balkh316 2.How Gushtásp quitted Luhrásp in Wrath318 3.How Gushtásp returned with Zarír320 4.How Gushtásp set off for Rúm323 5.How Gushtásp arrived in Rúm324 6.How a Village-chief entertained Gushtásp327 7.The Story of Katáyún the Daughter of Cæsar329 8.How Cæsar gave Katáyún to Gushtásp331 9.How Mírín asked in Marriage Cæsar's second Daughter333 10.How Gushtásp slew the Wolf337 11.How Ahran asked Cæsar's third Daughter in Marriage342 12.How Gushtásp slew the Dragon and how Cæsar gave his Daughter to Ahran346 13.How Gushtásp displayed his Prowess upon the Riding-ground349 14.How Cæsar wrote to Ilyás and demanded Tribute352 15.How Gushtásp fought with Ilyás and slew him355 16.How Cæsar demanded from Luhrásp Tribute for Írán356 17.How Zarír carried a Message from Luhrásp to Cæsar359 18.How Gushtásp returned with Zarír to the Land of Írán and received the Throne from Luhrásp361 INDEX367