§ 1 How Ardshír Pápakán sat upon the Throne in Baghdád

Now at Baghdád Ardshír assumed his seat
Upon the ivory throne and donned the crown
That maketh glad the heart, with girdle girt,
The sceptre of the Sháhs in hand, the palace
Prepared. Thenceforth folk called him “King of

And no one knew him from Gushtásp. Whenas

C. 1392
He donned the crown of majesty he spake,
Victorious and glad, upon the throne
Thus: “Justice is my treasure in this world,
Which is reviving 'neath my busy hands,
A treasure this that none can take from me;
Ill-doing 'tis that bringeth ill on men.
All-holy God, if I find favour with Him,
Will not begrudge to me this sombre earth.
The world is wholly under my protection,
My policy is to approve of justice.
None—friend or foe—must slumber with his heart
All care through act of any officer,
Or chief, or warrior-cavalier of mine:
This court is free to all, both foe and friend.”
The whole assembly blessed him and exclaimed:—
“Oh! may thy justice make earth prosperous!”
Where there were hostile chiefs he sent forth
To bring them to submission or make known
The usage of the scimitar and throne.