§ 1 How Yazdagird sat upon the Throne and gave a Charge to the Officers

When Yazdagird became the world's great king
He gathered all the soldiers of the realm,
Assumed the crown which once his brother wore,
At whose sad death he joyed, and thus harangued

C. 1461
The notables: “All ye disposed to justice!
Make first your benisons to God, your hearts
All jubilant and laughing through our justice.
I will let not the wicked live who strive
To compass evil. He that cometh to us
For justice shall have rest from fraud and falsehood,
I will increase his state and banish greed
And vengeance from the heart. We will consult
None but the great men and the archimages,
Wise and shrewd-hearted; but the vicious man,
Intoxicate with power, tyrannizing
The helpless, and elated with conceit
Of his own wealth, will we withstand and quell,
But multiply our favours to the poor.
The neck of him that heedeth not our wrath,
And fareth insolently in our eyes,
Is longing for an Indian sword, his body
To pillow in the dust. Scan well our bidding,
And, thus endeavouring, make your breast-plate
Thereat the men of mace and scimitar
All shook like willow-trees.

Now when his power

Waxed strong his love waned as his greatness grew;
He scorned the sages and grew negligent
Of royal usages. The governors,
The paladins, the notables, and all
The learned and noble sages, were as wind
To him; his dark soul had grown tyrannous;
Both love and justice ceased within his heart;
He answered no petitions; he misprized
All men alike and paused not on their faults.
All that were at his gate as ministers—
The Lustre of his fortune and his crown—
Agreed to speak not of the land to him,
And all men writhed with fear and died of fright
Because of him. When envoys came, or subjects
That clamoured for redress, a minister,
When notified, would learn their business,
And then with warm and kindly words dismiss
The envoys shamefastly, and say: “The Sháh
Will not transact affairs; ye cannot see him.
I have acquainted him with all your case,
But in his judgments right hath little place!”