§ 31 How Guráza fought with Siyámak

Next Siyámak of the Túránian host
Went with Guráza to the battlefield,
Both spear in hand and both with cries like those
Of maddened elephants. The chiefs were all
Wrath, rancour, and revenge. Anon they took
Their massive maces, raged like warrior-lions,
And smote each other on the head. Their tongues
Were cracked with thirst, they closed in furious fight,
Alighted, clutched, and raised the dust of strife.
Guráza put his hands forth like a lion,
And as a storm-blast bent his foeman down,
Then dashed him to the ground with violence
That brake his bones; he yielded up the ghost.

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Guráza in the same breath bound the corpse
Upon his steed, swift as Ázargashasp
Remounted, took the horse of Siyámak,
And scaled the hill like one bemused with wine.
He held the glorious flag and proudly went
Rejoicing o'er his conquered enemy,
The victory of the Sháh, and that high fortune
Achieved beneath the shadow of the throne.
Dismounting then he prayed to God to bless
The fortune of earth's monarch with success.