C.—Macan's edition of the Sháhnáma.
DEI.J. Darmesteter, Études Iraniennes.
DZA.Professor Darmesteter's Trans. of the Zandavasta in the Sacred Books of the East. References to Parts* and pages.
EHI.The History of India as told by its own Historians. By Sir H. M. Elliot, K.C.B.
MZA.Rev. L. H. Mills' Trans. of the Zandavasta in the Sacred Books of the East. Reference to Part and pages.
RM.The Mahábhárata translated into English Prose (by Kisari Mohan Ganguli). Published by Pratápa Chandra Rái, C.I.E.
WPT.Dr. E. W. West's Trans. of the Pahlaví Texts in the Sacred Books of the East. Reference to Part and pages.